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We are interested in how different attempts can affect the number of goals for each team. The different attempts include attempts inside the penalty area and attempts outside the penalty area. In the dashboard above, if a team is clicked on, the visualization will only filter the matches played by the team selected. The goals and attempts for each match will display in the scatterplot on the right, and each match can be analyzed. The number of goals corresponds to the scale on the upper right corner of the plot.

From the bar graph on the left, we can see that teams with a high number of average goals generally have more attempts inside the penalty area on average. The number of average attempts outside the penalty area does not have a significant effect on a team’s average number of goals.

From the scatter plot on the right, the number of goals and attempts for each match are displayed. High goal scoring matches are clustered together at around 10 attempts inside the penalty area and 4 attempts outside the penalty area. At minimum, a team needs to attempt at least 5 attempts inside the penalty area and 2 attempts outside the penalty area to have a high scoring match based on the scatterplot. Additionally, the line on the scatter plot tells us how many attempts outside the penalty area are expected given the number of attempts inside the penalty area.