Shellhacks 2018
Presentation script: Name origins from Diversify and Developer Deversify is a data visualization site that places circles based on the # of developers on a specific continent. The data is sourced from a Hackerrank and StackOverflow survey that recieved around 97,000 qualified responses. Demographics show software development is primarily caucasian male dominated as the percentage of respondents who identified as white, was around 74% of total respondant and 92.9% identified as male.
Workforce Summary
- Europe had the largest percentage of developers, around 38.4%
- North America and Asia were near equal at 24.6% and 24.3% respectively
Gender Demographic Summary
- The gender gap is around 86% difference as 92.9% identified as male, while 6.9% identified as female, the remaining percentage are non-binary individuals.
- Deversify serves to bring attention to how deep the divide is within the dev community, and promote programs such as IGNITE that support women in STEM programs.
Country Skill Proficiceny Summary in format [Comp Sci domain, Top 5 countries from Best to Worst]
- Algorithm, Russia, Poland, China, Swizterland, Taiwan
- Java, Polan, Bulgaria, Hungary, Switzerland, Russia
- Data Structures, China, Taiwan, Phillippines, Russia, Japan
- C++, France, Russia, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland