
Let's build a bot for npcompete.io

Primary LanguageC++

How to make your AI

|NP     | <-- websocket --> your bot
|Compete| <-- websocket --> your enemy
|Server | --- websocket --> loyal fan

list of language examples:

0 Overview

  • Get your devkey
  • Open up a websocket to either of:
    • ws://localhost/wsjoin?game=NameOfGame
    • a specific room (that someone else can join)
    • ws://localhost/wsplay
    • play next available person
  • Send devkey through the websocket
  • Begin receiving game states
  • Send game commands
  • Win hella ca$h

1 Credentials

  • Go to npcompete.io
  • Signup with a username and password
  • Get your devkey under your profile
  • Do not share this key, as it will identify your bot
  • nice

2 Websocket - Tutorial

This tutorial is in golang, but you can find other language examples within this directory

  • We will be using the gorilla websocket package
$> go get github.com/gorilla/websocket
  • Now lets make a file, and call it ai.go
package main

import (
	"fmt" // for io
	"github.com/gorilla/websocket" // for websockets

func main() {
	// some variables we need to connect
	serverURL := "ws://npcompete.io/wsplay"
	devkey := "YOURKEYHERE"

  • Quickly open up a websocket
	//open websocket
	var dialer *websocket.Dialer
	conn, _, _ := dialer.Dial(serverURL, nil)
	defer conn.Close()
  • Then, let's send our key thru the socket
	//write our devkey
	conn.WriteMessage(1, []byte(devkey))
  • The server will respond with which player you are, your username, and the game name
	//receive acknowledgement
	_, msg, _ := conn.ReadMessage()
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", msg)
  • Once the game starts, the server will being sending game states as json objects
  • Now let's respond to each game frame with our super smart strategy
	//send game inputs
	for {
		_, msg, _ = conn.ReadMessage()
		_ = msg
		// fmt.Printf("%s\n", msg) 
		// uncomment this to output all frames
		conn.WriteMessage(1, []byte("b00 02"))
		//                           ^^  ^  
		//                      "buy"||  |
		//                            |  lane #
		//                code for a "nut" troop