
Super dope awesome game server for robots and also humans to enjoy a lot

Primary LanguageGo



First, run ./build_linux.sh, this will build the binary (we have been building on Go 1.7.3)

Then run ./deploy.sh user@serverIPgoesHere, this will deploy all the necessaries onto the server.

Make sure on the server, mysql-server is installed, and that after you deploy you edit the npc.conf file to have correct username/password combo.

On linux servers, you'll need to sudo the binary to allow it to run on port 80. sudo nohup ./S2017-UPE-AI & is the command I normally use to run the binary in the background (so that when the terminal closes, the binary does not stop running). The output will be logged in nohup.out, so you can still see crash logs.

Installation (for editing and local testing)

Really convenient way to install Go: http://www.hostingadvice.com/how-to/install-golang-on-ubuntu/ (-Darwin)

Note that this server uses MySQL as its database, make sure mysql-server is installed. Additionally, you may need to edit dbinterface/CREDENTIALS to have proper credentials. (i.e. replace username, password as necessary). If the server does not detect a CREDENTIALS file, it will use the default, which is "root" user with no password.

The server will automatically use that account to create a database called aicomp if it doesn't exist, and a table called users within if that doesn't exist either. It will not override existing databases and tables of those names. You may need to drop the database manually if changes occur in the schemas?

  • Get the code
git clone https://github.com/austindoeswork/S2017-UPE-AI.git
  • Run the code (if you don't have golang, go here)
go run main.go
  • To build a binary, run in this order:
go get
go build


There is now dynamic template reloading! This project uses fsnotify to watch the templates folder for any changes. This way, you can see changes after you edit *.html files in the templates folder without having to manually restart the server. If you are using emacs, be sure to disable interlocking by adding "(setq create-lockfiles nil)" to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el file, otherwise the TemplateWaiter will crash upon reloading the folder. (There may be a better workaround than this)


/dbinterface = Acts as a wrapper around the MySQL driver

/game = Game objects are the representations of the internals of games (currently has pong and tdef).

/gamemanager = Contains game wrappers and managers. The former is an object that multiplexes game object output to all available listeners. People who want to spectate/play ongoing matches will interface through the game wrappers. Game managers hold all of the wrapper/game pairings.

/server = Server details (routing, etc). Also holds keygen.go, which generates the api keys for players upon signup.

/templates = These .html files are loaded by the template manager on server startup. (Coming soon: template reloader when these templates change, so that server doesn't need to reload on each startup) Note that the header.html and footer.html templates that are included with each of these templates start and end the main container div that are pretty much used everywhere.


If identicons are not working on your machine, try checking the permissions of the /identicons folder.



Victory screen + stats post-game

Status splash screen before game

Status message over websockets pre-game

Death anims (fade?)