
Two-player synthesizer controlled by Xbox 360 Controller and movements via Xbox Kinect.

Primary LanguageMax


What it does and how it does it

The Kinect Synth project consists of a Max/MSP patch that turns movements and gestures read from an XBOX 360 Kinect and XBOX 360 Controller into synthesized music. It aims to create an instrument that required two players to collaborate, much in the spirit of gaming. One person stands in front of the Kinect and uses their right arm to control the timbre of melodic/harmonic sounds that are triggered by the controller’s X, A, and B buttons, and their left arm to change the timbre and speed of a repeating pop-like percussive sound. The person holding the controller, along with being able to trigger single notes or chords using the buttons, can use the triggers to set the decay time on the tones and to apply vibrato.

Chris Kalani’s SYNAPSE for Kinect is used to collect data from the Kinect and send it to Max/MSP over OSC (Kalani's website is located at http://synapsekinect.tumblr.com/). The relevant code for that can be found in [kinectRead] subpatch within my main KinectSynth patch. [udpsend] objects notify the Kinect of which joints to track. A [udpreceive] then gathers the x, y, and z values that indicate the joint positions in 3D space. These values are then routed to various [unpack] objects so that they can be extracted and scaled to modify the state of the melodic and percussive synthesizers.

The left hand in relation to the left elbow dictates the speed of a [metro] that triggers popping sounds in the percussive synthesizer, while the left elbow’s height (y-value) dictates the frequency at which that pop is filtered. The right elbow’s height determines the pitch of the sound produced by the melodic synthesizer, and the proximity of the right hand to the right shoulder changes the mix of a set of three oscillators of various waveforms (sinusoidal, square, and sawtooth) that emit the same frequency. The hand-to-elbow proximity is measured in 3D space, hence all the math at the bottom-right of the [kinectRead] subpatch.

The XBOX 360 controller, as a USB-HID (human interface device) friendly controller, is set up with Max/MSP – although it does require a driver to work on OSX (one such freely available driver can be found at http://tattiebogle.net/index.php/ProjectRoot/Xbox360Controller/OsxDriver). The [hi] object reads inputs from HID devices. A slightly modified version of Max user Steven Miller’s patch for reading and visualizing Xbox 360 controller data (found at https://cycling74.com/forums/topic/xbox-controller-with-max/) is in the [controllerRead] subpatch, from which values are read and scaled for use with the synths. The left trigger is used to change delay time on sounds produced, the right trigger to apply vibrato (pressing the trigger deeper increases both the FM frequency and depth). The X, A, and B buttons are used to trigger single notes, major chords, and minor chords from the root note determined by the Kinect user’s right elbow height.

The melodic synthesizer consists of a set of three [poly~] objects – one for single notes, one for major chords, and the last one for minor chords. The synthesizers each take a root midi note value, oscillator mix number, vibrato level value, and decay time value. Values representing the third and fifth are added to the root note (in the case of the chord synthesizers) and those frequencies are sent to a set of oscillators. These oscillators are mixed according to the proximity of the Kinect user’s right hand to right shoulder, applied vibrato if the right trigger is depressed, and applied an envelope of a set 20 ms attack followed by a decay time to 0 set by the left trigger.

[pops], the percussive synthesizer, simply outputs a recording of a “pop” sound created by freesound.org user unfa (http://www.freesound.org/people/unfa/sounds/245645/) repetitively at a rate set by the Kinect user’s left hand position. This pop is bandpass filtered two separate times, the resulting signals are output: once at 75 Hz, and again at a frequency between 0 and 1000 Hz set by the Kinect user’s left elbow position.

Notes from the creator

The patch is capable of making some cool sounds that match the cartoon/videogame aesthetic that I was going for. However, I feel that the project may have suffered from my lack of specific ideas when I started my work, as well as my lack of experience in creating synthesizers in Max/MSP. I did achieve what I set out to, only to realize once I was finished how many aspects left room for improvement. The control parameters that go into the synthesizers, as well as the sounds that come out, aren’t particularly interesting. A major improvement on the current patch would be to have a synthesizer, or perhaps even multiple synthesizers to choose from, that would take a broader set of parameters to control oscillators, LFOs, envelopes, filters, and mixers. If this was the case, perhaps the controller could select the parameters that are affected by the Kinect user in real time. Alternatively, as suggested by my professor Ian Hattwick, there could be a set of easily modifiable presets that could be interpolated between depending on movements.

It would be interesting to take the groundwork I’ve completed to a dance choreographer for suggestions towards making the part of the Kinect user more intuitive and graceful. It would also be nice to set up the synth to only play pitches within a certain key decided by the users – one of the most noticeable issues with the patch is its incapability of making harmonically coherent sounds. The percussive part of the synthesizer also leaves much to be desired, both in terms of sound and how the sounds are affected by the Kinect user. I initially attempted to create a patch that would respond to sudden gestures, but was not able to find a way to do this effectively. I also imagined that having one type of percussive sound would match the sounds generated by the rest of the patch, but after hearing the final product, I must admit the necessity for a larger range of percussive options.