
A WebGL Space Invaders type game serving tribute to the legendary classic "Africa" by Toto.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Concise Description of Your Project:

Our project is a tribute to the legendary classic "Africa" by Toto. The game begins in Africa as a rocket ship takes off carrying refugees off to survival. Few humans stay behind to operate a rotating turret to keep the planet alive for as long as possible from invading asteroids. By clicking the mouse, you launch nuclear bullets towards these asteroids, where the asteroids will explode if the bullet collides with them. On the other hand, if the asteroids collide with the Earth, the Earth explodes. Life begins and ends in Africa, the original motherland for us all.

Concise Description of Each Member's Specific Contribution to the Project:

  • Sanketh Hegde: added the Earth planet, with texture, and rotating capabilities. Also added the asteroid spawning and collision detection. Laid down major groundwork for the rest of the game.
  • Arpit Jasapara: Added the gunner that fires bullets, created bullet generation, and added the music to honor Toto. Worked with Sanketh on collision detection, and assembled everyone's parts with relevant code to make the game run smoothly.
  • Austin Guo: Generated the background universe, and then loaded the Rocket object into the game, changing its texture and such to fit our needs.
  • Chaitanya Pedada: Added mouse tracking/selecting and input detection from the user. Also added the countdown timer, start option, and other relevant game aspects. Added Start Game and End Game styling and effects.

Details on How to Both Run and Use/Operate Your Project Application:

  1. Run host.command to start the server on port 8000, and navigate using Google Chrome to localhost:8000.
  2. Click where indicated to start the initial animation and game.
  3. Click anywhere inside the application window to fire bullets towards the incoming asteroids to blow them up.
  4. Enjoy the game and listening to one of the greatest classics of our time!

Anything Else You Feel You Need to Communicate to Me About Your Project:

Nope. Let us know before the presentation if you want us to add/change anything!