Dash is a Python framework for building analytical web applications. Dash ties modern UI elements like dropdowns, sliders, and graphs to your Python code. In this class, participants will learn how to build a simple Dash application and deploy it online.
This page presents a collection of very simple dash apps, designed for learning purposes. Each has an embedded link to its source code on github. Students can fork the code on github, modify the app.py
file, and deploy their own version on Heroku. Here's a Medium post describing how to do that.
- https://zoo-animals-dash.herokuapp.com/
- https://flying-dog.herokuapp.com/
- https://example-donut-chart.herokuapp.com/
- https://dash-linechart-example.herokuapp.com/
- https://back2good-dc-metro.herokuapp.com/
- for elastic beanstalk: https://github.com/austinlasseter/elastic-beanstalk-dash-app
- https://dash-simple-callback.herokuapp.com
- https://chuck-norris-execution.herokuapp.com/
- https://dash-radio-callback.herokuapp.com/
- https://lightsaber-chooser.herokuapp.com/
- https://dash-multitab-example.herokuapp.com/
- https://dash-daq-state.herokuapp.com/
- https://virginia-2016-vote-totals.herokuapp.com/
- https://scatterplot-dc-housing.herokuapp.com
- https://data-table-beer-example.herokuapp.com/
- https://my-test-pandas-app-123.herokuapp.com/
- https://dc-properties-map.herokuapp.com/
- https://virginia-census-data.herokuapp.com/
- https://dash-density-heatmap-dc.herokuapp.com/
- https://iowa-has-lots-of-corn.herokuapp.com/
- https://va-opioid-dashboard.herokuapp.com/
- https://dash-density-heatmap.herokuapp.com/
- https://obscure-brook-30801.herokuapp.com/
- https://knn-iris-classifier.herokuapp.com/
- https://tmdb-rf-genres.herokuapp.com/
- http://titanicclassifier-env.g8sipcfcmu.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/
- http://python-eda-example.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/
Dash by Plotly
Atom by Github
For deploying to the cloud, you'll also need:
Heroku -- You'll also need to open a free Heroku account
pip install virtualenv
Introducing Plotly Dash
Youtube: Dash in 5 minutes
Dash User Guide
Dash Workshop, Washington DC Edition - June 9-10, 2018
Chris Parmer's github repo for Dash
Dash Community Forum - like StackOverflow for Dash
Gallery of Dash apps
Dash Workbook by Jose Portilla
Github Repo by Jose Portilla
Bokeh vs. Dash
Using Dash to build public sector dashboards
How a Flask app works
Example of a simple deployed app
How to deploy a Dash using AWS command line
How to deploy a Dash app using AWS GUI console
How to deploy a Dash app using Heroku
AWS Elastic Beanstalk Command Line
Heroku Command Line