

scrape_solus is a python utility to scrape all details from from the Queen's course enrollment site.


  1. git clone and cd into the folder
  2. (Ideal, but not necessary) create a virtual env
  3. pip install -e . to install the project in development mode. This will allow you to easily make changes on the fly.
  4. Set your SOLUS_USER and SOLUS_PASS env variables
  5. You should now have the scrapesolus command available. Run scrapesolus --help to see available commands.

CLI (scrapsolus)

Usage: scrapesolus [OPTIONS]


  • -t, --scrape_type alpha|interval (default=alpha). alpha: each job scrapes a letter. interval: each job scrapes every Nth course.
  • -n, --num_workers INTEGER (default=8) number of selenium instances to run in parallel
  • -o, --output_dir PATH Output directory for data dump
  • -d, --deep BOOLEAN Do you want Section Data?
  • -h, --headless BOOLEAN (default: True). Set to False for debugging.
  • -l, --letter TEXT Scrape all courses that start with this letter
  • -c, --course_code TEXT Scrape a specific course code
  • --help Show this message and exit.


Scrape a specific course

scrapesolus -c "MATH 281"

Scrape a course without headless selenium for debugging

scrapesolus -h False -c "MATH 281"

Scrape a specific course and only want the course info/description (no sections/schedule data)?

scrapesolus -c "MATH 281" -d False

Scrape all course codes beginning with the letter A

scrapesolus -l A

Full scrape of courses with (default) 8 workers


Full scrape with 2 workers

scrapesolus -n 2