Tracking my journey towards earning my OSCP. This includes the process of everything that I learn along the way.

Primary LanguageShell

Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) Journey

It took me a little bit working in the cyber security to realize that Ec-council and CompTIA certifications are pointless in the grand scale of all cyber security certifications. And realized that the only certifications that are worth a damn are GIAC certifications and Offensive Securtity Certifications.

In MY OPINION, The only reason a person should work to achieve CompTIA or Ec-council is if they have aspirations of working for the federal government, been there, done that. The reason why I believe CompTIA and Ec-council are pointless certification provider... CompTIA and Ec-council practicals are a joke and their pricing is so low that anyone can sign up for multiple of them and cram and pass the exam (and then knowledge dump right afterwards), GIAC and Offensive Security pricing, is priced in a way that a person isn't going to waste the money unless they know for sure they are going to pass.

I've made this so it could be used as others for tracking their progress.

Certifications Roadmap for the Rest of my career

OSCP (2022) > GWAPT (2022) > OSCE (2022) > GXPN (2022) > GREM (2022) > OSEE (2023)

Taking OSCP in March 2022.

  • I will be using github project to track my process as I prepare for the OSCP.
  • There is a issue created for every subsection for all of the sections below.




Hack The Box

Box Name Operating System Completed Date Completed Link To Writeup
Blue 2021-May-03 Coming soon
Lame 2021-May-03 Coming soon


Hack The Box

Box Name Operating System Completed Date Completed Link To Writeup
Doctor Linux
SneakyMailer Linux
Passage Linux
Luanne Linux
Time Linux
Active Windows
Remote Windows
Fuse Windows
Omni Windows
Worker Windows


Hack The Box

Box Name Operating System Completed Date Completed Link To Writeup
Jeeves Windows
Bart Windows
Tally Windows
Kotarak Linux
falafel Linux
Sauna Windows
Cascade Windows
Querier Windows
Quick Linux
BlackField Windows


Box Name Operating System Completed Date Completed Link To Writeup

OSCP Exam - March 30, 2022