Dot Files

Welcome! Here is my rather unpolished .dotfile configuration. Below are some setup notes to my future self, for when I inevitably completely forget what I did or how I did it.


Dotfile setup

Follow instructions here for configuring git repo at your base path:

Or see local copy here, if that link no longer works: DOTFILES.

Shell setup

To install (modified the install location to not overwrite default Neovim location)

git clone ~/.config/nvchad

To start (custom alias in ~/.zshrc)

nvc .
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
  • Source the tmux config file within a tmux session
tmux source ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf
  • Install tpm plugins from within tmux session

prefix + I (this is usually Ctrl+b and then capital I)

  • Source ~/.zshrc to ensure everything is working (and also maybe ~/.zshrc-mac or ~/.zshrc-linux etc. to ensure everything is working correctly)

Env setup


  • Install Volta (cross-platform alternative to nvm):

  • Use Volta to install latest Node version


Window manager setup