
PackageManagement wrapper for Pip

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OneGet package provider Sample

Provider SDK for OneGet (C#)

Quick and dirty instructions:


- vs 2013 
- YOU MUST BE RUNNING THE Experimental build of OneGet : http://oneget.org/install-oneget.exe 


Clone the project locally and you can then add an upstream remote:

    git clone https://github.com/YOURNAME/YOURPROJECT.git
    git remote add remote upstream https://github.com/OneGet/provider-sdk-cs.git

Once you build the provider script, run the install-provider.ps1 script and it will copy the assembly to the right spot.


# need to run the community build.
> ipmo oneget-edge 

# see if it loaded your provider assembly:
> get-packageprovider 

PS C:\root\oneget\output\v45\Debug\bin> get-packageprovider
WARNING: MSG:ProviderSwidtagUnavailable

Name                     Version          DynamicOptions
----                     -------          --------------
YourProvider           {}

When you need to, you can always pull updates to the OneGet provider SDK by simply:

    git pull upstream master