

This project was about creating an app that can quickly and easily create a README file by using a command-line application to generate one. This allows the project creator to devote more time to working on the project.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Deployed Link
  3. How to Start
  4. Code Snippet
  5. Built with
  6. Licenses
  7. Author
  8. Acknowledgements

Walkthrough Video

Alt Text

How to Start

Open the index.js file and type the command: "node index.js" in the terminal.

Code Snippet

async function init() {
    try {
        const userResponses = await inquirer.prompt(questions);
        console.log("Your responses: ", userResponses);
        console.log("Thank you. Your responses have been recorded. Please Wait...");

        // const userInfo = await api.getUser(userResponses);
        // console.log("Your Github username is: ", userInfo);

        console.log("Generating your readme markdown file...")
        const markdown = generateMarkdown(userResponses);

        await writeFileAsync('', markdown);
    } catch (error) {

This code shows how I used an async function to initialize the app and prompt the inquirer questions which wait to pass the responses so that the markdown file can be written.

const axios = require("axios");

const api = {
    async getUser(userResponses) {
        try {
            let response = await axios

        } catch (error) {

This code shows how I am calling the axios dependency to call out and retrieve information from the api github users data.

Built with

  • Node
  • Inquirer
  • axios
  • git bash


MIT License


Austin Woo


  • Jerome Chenette (Instructor)
  • Manuel Nunes (TA)
  • Mahisha Manikandan (TA)
  • UC Berkeley Coding Bootcamp