
Custom Waze apk file that contains voice from F1 2020 (Jeff)

Waze F1 VO

Custom Waze apk file that contains voice from F1 2020 (Jeff)

How to download and install this program

  • Go to Releases and click on the apk file to download
  • After downloading the apk file, go to the Google Play store and download Apk-signer
  • Load the apk file into apk-signer and install it
  • Open and log in to Waze and have fun :) Note: (might not work if you are using guest user)

Small issues/ things to note about in the apk file

  • Try not to change the voice language. You can still change the waze app language whatever you like
  • Sounds are set to announce distance in miles
  • All of the sound files are extracted from the F1 2020 game. I had to piece some phrases together manually which may cause the output to be a bit choppy

Due to phrases not being present (or resulted in extreme choppyness) in the game, here are some phrase changes to the sound files:

  • At the roundabout → At the end of the following corners
  • Take the x exit → Take the x pit window
  • Make a U turn → Turn 180 degree
  • Police reported ahead → Safety car deployed, no overtaking, reduce your pace
  • Red light warning → The radar suggests that they seem to have a red camera ahead

If there are any errors or bugs, please post an issue and I will respond asap. Also, feel free to request any new features and I'll try my best to make it happen 😊