
A python utility to sync up a csv of username's and passwords to Google Apps

Primary LanguagePython


A python utility to sync up a csv of username's and passwords to Google Apps


  • Python 2
  • Google Data Libraries ( pip install gdata )

Setup Instructions for Mac

  1. Install homebrew. See: http://mxcl.github.io/homebrew/

  2. Install a newer version of python:

     brew install python
  3. Restart your terminal to load up the new version of python.

  4. Use pip to install the required Google Data Libraries:

     pip install gdata

Usage Instructions

  1. Create your CSV file in the format of "username,password". You can do this in excel using a column for username and the next for password. Save this file in the same folder as this script.

  2. Navigate to the folder this script is located in.

  3. Execute the following, replacing the brackets with the corresponding values:

     ./sync_pwd.py [name of your csv file]
  4. Test a few of the username/password combinations you just sync'ed using the test_pwd.py script:

  5. When prompted enter the domain name, the username to test and the password of that user

  6. Sit back and bask in the glory of your success