
Slack Integration that will display a random card from the latest Magic: The Gathering set.

Primary LanguageRuby


Sinatra app that provides Slack with a simple bot for displaying a random card from the latest Magic: The Gathering set. After configuring an Outgoing WebHook, typing spoiler will display a random card image from Gatherer.


SpoilerBot uses a Slack Outgoing WebHook integration for catching the spoiler request and passing it on to the application. You'll need to add a new Outgoing WebHook first so you'll have the SLACK_TOKEN available for deployment.



$ bundle install
$ export SLACK_TOKEN=...
$ foreman start


$ heroku create
$ heroku config:set SLACK_TOKEN=...
$ git push heroku master

WebHook Settings

Once SpoilerBot is deployed, go back to your Outgoing Webhook page and configure the Integration Settings to your needs. G

  • Channel: Any
  • Trigger Word: spoiler
  • URL: http://your-heroku-appname.herokuapp.com/spoiler
  • Label: spoilerbot