
Web Server Appliation for the Tumbleweed Software Stack (TSS)

Primary LanguagePython


  • add tumbleweed x

  • update tumbleweed x

  • get tumbleweed by id x

  • get tumbleweed by address x

  • get tumbleweeds x

  • delete tumbleweed x

  • add tumblebase x

  • update tumblebase x

  • get tumblebase by id x

  • get tumble bases x

  • get tumble base by address x

  • delete tumblebase (only if no points connected) x

  • add subsystem (to tumbleweed) x

  • update subsystem x

  • get subsystems by tumbleweed id x

  • get subsystem by id x

  • delete subsystem x

  • add datasource (to subsystem) x

  • update datasource x

  • get datasource by id x

  • get datasource by subsystem id x

  • get datasource by short key and tumbleweed address x

  • delete datasource x

  • add command type x

  • update command type x

  • get command types x

  • get command type by id x

  • delete command type x

  • start run (by tumbleweed id) x

  • stop run (by tumbleweed id) x

  • get active run x

  • update run x

  • get run by id x

  • delete run (and all data with it) x

  • add command (by tumblebase id and tumbleweed id and command type id) x

  • update command (with response) x

  • get commands by tumbleweed id and run id x

  • get unanswered commands by tumbleweed id and run id x

  • get command by id x

  • get commands by command type x

  • add datapoint (by datasource short key and tumbleweed address and tumblebase) x

  • update datapoint

  • get datapoints by datasource by run x

  • get datapoint by datasource id and datapoint id x