CF Lab 02: jQuery and the DOM

Code of Conduct

Learning Objectives

  • Understand why the jQuery library is useful and how to include it (local vs CDN).
  • What is a dependency?
  • Perform DOM manipulations using append, remove, clone, data, html, text.
  • Traverse the DOM tree, with parents, children, find.
  • Understand the use of event delegation for dynamic element selection.
  • Differentiate between certain methods & the process of chaining.
  • Understand proper <script> loading order in HTML.

Feature Tasks

  1. Add any necessary script tags to your HTML.
  2. Complete that article constructor by assigning all of the properties of an object argument to properties of this.
  3. Complete the toHtml() method, which will ultimately be used to render each article instance to the DOM.

Submission Instructions

When you are finished with lab, follow these steps to submit your work. Create one Pull Request (aka: "PR") from your Forked repo to the CF repo with your changes, and you'll each submit that same PR link in Canvas.

  1. Ensure that all your local changes are committed, and pushed to your origin repo.
  2. Visit the origin repo on, and ensure that all of your completed work has been merged to master via Pull Requests within your repo.
  3. Create a new PR from your Fork to the CF repo and ensure the branches look correct.
  4. Fill in the template based on the text box prompts:
  5. Write a good descriptive summary of your changes: 1. Be sure to include how much time you spent on it, and who you worked with. 1. Briefly reflect on and summarize your process.
  6. When you create the PR, it will have a unique URL. Copy this link, share with your partner, and paste it into the assignment submission form in Canvas. Both the driver and the navigator will submit the same PR link.


jQuery API Reference


Criteria Pts
Meets all Assignment Reqs 6
Uses idiomatic code style 3
Follows proper Git workflow 1
Total 10