cf Lab 07: Vanilla HTTP Server

Submission Instructions

  • Work in a fork of this repository
  • Work in a branch on your fork
  • Write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-susan
  • Open a pull request to this repository
  • Submit on canvas a question and observation, how long you spent, and a link to your pull request



Configure the root of your repository with the following files and directories. Thoughtfully name and organize any additional configuration or module files.

  • - contains documentation
  • .env - contains env variables (should be git ignored)
  • .gitignore - contains a robust .gitignore file
  • .eslintrc.json - contains the course linter configuratoin
  • .eslintignore - contains the course linter ignore configuration
  • package.json - contains npm package config
    • create a lint script for running eslint
    • create a test script for running tests
    • create a start script for running your server
  • lib/ - contains module definitions
  • __test__/ - contains unit tests

Feature Tasks

For this assignment you will be building a HTTP server.

Request Parser

The request parser module should return a promise that parses the request url, querystring, and POST or PUT body (as JSON).

Server Module

The server module is responsible for creating an http server defining all route behavior and exporting an interface for starting and stopping the server. It should export an object with start and stop methods.


When a client makes a GET request to / the server should send back html with a project description and an anchor to /cowsay.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> cowsay </title>  
         <li><a href="/cowsay">cowsay</a></li>
     <!-- project description -->
GET /cowsay?text={message}

When a client makes a GET request to /cowsay?text={message} the server should parse the querystring for a text key. It should then send a rendered HTML page with a cowsay cow speaking the value of the text query. If there is no text query the cow message should say 'I need something good to say!'.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> cowsay </title>  
    <h1> cowsay </h1>
      <!-- cowsay.say({text: req.query.text}) -->
POST /api/cowsay

When a client makes a POST request to /api/cowsay it should send JSON that includes {"text": "<message>"}.

  • A response for a valid Request should have a status code of 200 and the JSON body:
  "content": "<cowsay cow text>" 
  • A response for an invalid Request should have a status code of 400 and the JSON body:
  "error": "invalid request: text query required"
Request Response Status Code Response Type Response Body
With out a body 400 JSON {"error": "invalid request: body required"}
With out text property on the body 400 JSON {"error": "invalid request: text required"}
With text body 200 JSON {"content": "<cowsay cow text>"}


Write a 200 and 400 test for your POST request to /api/cowsay


1pts: add the ability to change the cowfile on GET /api/cowsay, and POST /api/cowsay - ex: dragon, sheep, etc