cf 34: Priority Queues and 2D Arrays

Submission Instructions

  • Work in a fork of this repository
  • Work in a branch on your fork
  • Write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-susan
  • Submit a pull request to this repository
  • Submit a link to your pull request on canvas
  • Submit a question, observation, and how long you spent on canvas




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  • .eslintrc.json -- with the class .eslintrc.json file
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  • src/ -- containing the front end code

Feature Tasks

Priority Queue

From Wikipedia:

In computer science, a priority queue is an abstract data type which is like a regular queue or stack data structure, but where additionally each element has a "priority" associated with it. In a priority queue, an element with high priority is served before an element with low priority. If two elements have the same priority, they are served according to their order in the queue.

  • Implement a priority queue ES6 class using a Binary Heap internally for data storage. Use a Min-Heap.

    • Implement a enqueue method with an arity of one.
      • The enqueue method takes javascript object with a priority key and a value key and adds it to the internal min-heap.
    • Implement a dequeue method with an arity of zero.
      • The enqueue method returns (and removes) the value associated with the smaller priority inside the priority queue.

Usage example

priority queue

Stretch Goals

  • Add the peek and isEmpty member functions.
    • The peek function returns the root of the internal heap without removing it.

Solve the following problem:

  • You’re given a 2D array of seats and people’s heights
  • People’s heights are written either like "72 inches" or "5 feet 2 inches"
  • You’re given one persons seat coordinate (row, col)
  • Return how many people they are blocking (they are taller than people behind them)
  • Index zero represents the front of the theater
  • Access seats like seats[row][col]

Dealing with empty seats

You may choose to assume any of the following about empty seats in the theater:

  • Assume the theater is always full
  • Or, assume empty seats are filled with null
  • Or, assume empty seats are filled with undefined
  • Or, assume empty seats are filled with the string "empty"

Sample Input

let SEATS = [
  [ '1 feet 11 inches', '4 feet 8 inches', '2 feet 10 inches', '3 feet 5 inches', '2 inches', '3 inches', '11 inches' ],
  [ '5 feet 10 inches', '9 inches', '3 feet 5 inches', '3 inches', '9 inches', '1 feet 0 inches', '0 inches' ],
  [ '0 feet 5 inches', '5 feet 9 inches', '6 feet 1 inches', '1 inches', '1 inches', '5 feet 3 inches', '3 feet 5 inches' ],
  [ '1 inches', '0 feet 11 inches', '2 feet 5 inches', '5 feet 6 inches', '6 feet 6 inches', '6 inches', '5 feet 11 inches' ],
  [ '10 inches', '11 inches', '3 inches', '5 feet 2 inches', '9 inches', '4 inches', '1 feet 10 inches' ],
  [ '2 feet 10 inches', '11 inches', '7 inches', '2 feet 9 inches', '0 inches', '9 inches', '0 feet 2 inches' ],
  [ '3 inches', '1 inches', '5 feet 5 inches', '6 inches', '2 inches', '5 feet 7 inches', '8 inches' ]


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