401 JS -- Lab 37 Full Stack Crud App

Submission Instructions

  • Work in a fork of this repository
  • Work in a branch on your fork
  • Write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-duncan
  • Submit a pull request to this repository
  • Submit a link to your pull request on canvas
  • Submit a question, observation, and how long you spent on canvas



  • Copy your mid-project into this directory
    • Remove the .git folder from the backend project directory before committing


  • README.md -- with documention about your lab
  • .babelrc -- with all dependencies and dev-dependencies
  • .eslintrc.json -- with the class .eslintrc.json file
  • .gitignore -- with a robust gitignore
  • .eslintignore -- with the class .eslintignore
  • package.json -- with all dependencies and dev-dependencies
  • webpack.config.js -- with webpack config
  • src/ -- containing the frontend code
  • src/main.js -- renders the app
  • src/style -- containing your sass

Feature Tasks

  • Create a frontend for your midproject backend
  • Use react/redux best practices
  • Add reporter and thunk middleware to your redux store
  • make async action creators for making ajax requests to your backend
  • make sync action creators for updating your app store


      // handle login and signup
      // display main app
  • Implement a Landing route that allows a user to signup and login to the application.
  • Manage the frontend routes based on the clients authorization
    • If the user is not logged in they should be forced to remain on the landing route(s)
    • If the user is logged in they should not permitted to remain on the landing route(s)


Write a description of the project in your README.md