
Rebuilding my personal site for 2020 and beyond! Proudly uses: Statamic + Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


  • Statamic v3
  • TailwindCSS v3
  • AlpineJS for menu
  • Responsive Image Addon for Statamic


Hello 3rd version my personal site! This time built completely from scratch using Statamic V3, with design inspired by V2 (which was a Paulio Scalon Gatsby template)


  • Deployed on Ploi via CD from deployment branch


Best practice to edit content locally and push up. But it is possible to edit on server.



  • : add zaengle things?
  • : accolades: add johnny cash for 2020 again?
  • : accolades: add shout out on syntax fm
  • : blog: add starter story article?


  • : More epic hover states (underline bottom border on hover?)
  • : add favicon
  • : add social media meta ogg tags/image
  • : fix multiline hover states
  • : add page for "design" work (apparel design and that design.davidalindahl.com page)
  • : improve footer and hover states
  • : add link fieldtype via : https://github.com/jonassiewertsen/Link-fieldtype
  • : replace .bg-img-none with actual solution (probably use .link for link underlines)
  • : fix navbar logo so its aligned right
  • : add code snippet for blog posts (good reference)
  • : blog progress bar example


  • : add hyperlinks to the header sections on the homepage (ex #about)
  • : add something like sort="total_results" to sort the project_tags by frequency


  • : add target blank to button component
  • : fix hover transition on project card component


  • : double opening bug of navbar
  • : fix overflow and lock scroll and stuff when mobile nav is open


  • : add importing old articles disclosure
  • : add writings from 2020
  • : add writings from 2018-2019
  • : add writings from 2017 and before
  • : add lotti animation to 'currently importing articles'
  • : add read time and word count to article
  • : use truncate modifier to add brief description to article cards on index
  • : add caption below images
  • : add gif support to single_image component
  • : get image gallery component working
  • : add comments
  • : add tweet this article to footer
  • : add max width to single image


  • : fix hotpink shadow box shadow
  • : add projects
  • : import prior writings


  • : standalone page for testimonials?
  • : add images for testimonials
  • : add more testimonials

perf matters:

  • : static page caching set to half


  • : add styling to markdown

theme UI components from:


general inspiration from:

  • Jack McDade