
The web needs a little more weird. These sites are helping. Want to join?

Primary LanguageHTML

Weird Wide Webring

The web needs a little more weird. These sites are helping.

How to submit your site

Fork this repo, add your site's name and URL to the sites.js file, and send me a pull request with why you want to join. That's it. If you're weird enough and want it enough, I'll let you in.

(I accept bribes of all sorts.)

How to add the webring to your site

If you want in, you should display your webring links with pride. Rather than require scripts and injecting hard to override HTML into your beautifully wierd website, you can style your links however you want. Make it weird, beautiful, nostalgic, minimalistic, outrageous, whimsicle, mysterious, fragrant, terrifying, or covered in hot butter. Just make it yours.

All you need to do is add the following links to your site somewhere:

Link Description URL
Previous site https://weirdwidewebring.net/prev.html?ref=yourdomain.com
Next site https://weirdwidewebring.net/next.html?ref=yourdomain.com
Random site https://weirdwidewebring.net/random.html
List all sites https://weirdwidewebring.net
Join the ring https://weirdwidewebring.net/join.html

The link will work out your position in the list and redirect visitors to the next site in the webring.

Privacy First

We don't collect or store any information beyond the list of sites themselves. This is for fun, not for profit.