
Primary LanguagePython


This is our ESPRG present to Allan, the best manager that Microsoft office in Prague has ever seen.

This project serves as a proof of Allan's bestness - he managed to create such a great team that they not just bought some random goodbye booze for him but gathered to create this hardware present - online, in the times of coronavirus. Ain't this amazing?

We prepared for you something to remember us and made it open source, so everyone can use it!


Use Raspberry Pi as machine which plays on button press one random file from samples/questions directory and random samples/answer. Belive me, its fun. You just need to connect button between GPIO 2 (pin 2) and any ground pin. And for sure you need to connect repro to 3.5mm jack. Without that, you won't hear it :)

Clone repository

Into Raspberry Pi home by running following commands.

cd /home/pi && git clone https://github.com/austy81/AmazingPi.git

Start it after boot

sudo systemctl edit --force --full amazingPi.service

Enter in following content:

Description=AmazingPi Service

ExecStart=sh /home/pi/AmazingPi/start.sh


And run following commands to start service:

systemctl status amazingPi.service
sudo systemctl enable amazingPi.service
sudo systemctl start amazingPi.service

Edit the unit-file

You can edit the unit-file and show it. After editing you must restart the service to take effect.

systemctl status amazingPi.service
sudo systemctl edit --full amazingPi.service
sudo systemctl restart amazingPi.service

Wait for network

Raspberian does not wait for network connection during boot sequence, as a result GIT Pull fails.

To fix it raspi-config change is needed:

sudo raspi-config

Select option

  • '4 Wait for network at boot'
    • Slow Wait for network connection before completing boot
  • confirm OK

Update repo manually

To update code to latest version in Raspberry run:

cd /home/pi/AmazingPi && git reset --hard && git pull

Alternatively use crontab to shcedule

sudo crontab -e
@reboot sh /home/pi/AmazingPi/start.sh