Gazetteer reference

The Gazetteer is based on Solr 4.10.1 and can be used like any other Solr instance.


Internal fields

  • id: The identifier of the feature. Example:

      "id": "745044"
  • _version_: The version of the document. Example:

      "_version_": 1500314799815262200
  • featureType (PPL | ADM1 | ADM2): The Gazetteer contains municipalities (populated places, PPL) as well as administrative units (ADM1 and ADM2). To distinguish these this field can be used (e.g. in the fq query parameter). Example:

      "featureType": "PPL"


  • name: The primary name of the feature. The language of this name is not explicitly defined. It may the local language of the feature, or about any other language. This field is indexed and allows partial matches. Example:

      "name": "City of London"
  • name_{lang}: The name of the feature in the respective language. This fields contains a list of names as there may be more than one name in a specific language. For a list of languages see Supported Languages. Example:

      "name_fr": [
        "Cité de Londres"
  • names: A list of all names of the feature. This field is indexed and allows partial matches. This field can not be retrieved, but is only for searching. Example:

      "names": [

First-order administrative divisions

(e.g. regions in France, states in Germany)

  • admunit1_name: The primary name of the administrative unit of this feature. The language of this name is not explicitly defined. It may the local language of the feature, or about any other language. Example:

      "admunit1_name": "İstanbul"
  • admunit1_name_{lang}: The name of the administrative unit in the respective language. This fields contains a list of names as there may be more than one name in a specific language. For a list of languages see Supported Languages. Example:

      "admunit1_name_de": [
        "Autonome Region Madrid"
  • admunit1_names: A list of all names of the administrative unit. This field can not be retrieved, but is only for searching. Example:

      "admunit1_names": [
        "Provincia de Estambul",

Second-order administrative divisions

(e.g. departments in France, municipalities in Denmark)

  • admunit2_name: The primary name of the administrative unit of this feature. The language of this name is not explicitly defined. It may the local language of the feature, or about any other language. This field is indexed and allows partial matches. Example:

      "admunit2_name": "Département des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence"
  • admunit2_name_{lang}: The name of the administrative unit in the respective language. This fields contains a list of names as there may be more than one name in a specific language. For a list of languages see Supported Languages.

      "admunit2_name_en": [
        "Province of Madrid"
  • admunit2_names: A list of all names of the administrative unit. This field is indexed and allows partial matches. This field can not be retrieved, but is only for searching. Example:

      "admunit2_names": [
        "Alpes da Alta Provença",
        "Alpes de Alta Provenza",
        "Alpi dell'Alta Provenza",
        "Département des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence"

Additional Information

  • geometry: The coordinates of the feature. Example:

      "geometry": [ "48.13743 11.57549" ]
  • country: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the feature. Example:

      "country": "DE"
  • population: The population of the municipality. This information is taken from Geonames and does not represent any official record. Nor it is known, for which year the value applies. Nevertheless the field can be used to improve the ranking of larger cities, if irrelevant municipalities of the same name exist. Example:

      "population": 11174257
  • dbpedia: A link to the DBPedia entry of the feature. Example:

      "dbpedia": ""

Additional Search Fields

The following fields contain the respective unprocessed names to allow better scoring of exact matches:

  • name_exact
  • names_exact
  • admunit1_name_exact
  • admunit1_names_exact
  • admunit2_name_exact
  • admunit2_names_exact

Please note, that not all fields are present for all municipalities. I.e. the municipality's administrative unit, population or name in a specific language may not be known.

Supported Languages

Languages are identified by their ISO 639-1 code:

Language ISO 639-1
Albanian sq
Bosnian bs
Bulgarian bg
Croatian hr
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
English en
Estonian et
Finnish fi
French fr
German de
Greek el
Hungarian hu
Icelandic is
Irish ga
Italian it
Latvian lv
Lithuanian lt
Luxembourgish lb
Macedonian mk
Maltese mt
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Romanian ro
Romansh rm
Serbian sr
Slovak sk
Slovene sl
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Turkish tr


The Gazetteer supports the default Solr Query Syntax. For extensive details of the API, please refer to the Solr documentation. There are two endpoints to query municipalities: /select and /query. Both support the same operations, but the latter sets sane defaults for most query parameters:

Parameter Default Value
defType dismax
df name_exact,names_exact,name,names
indent false
qf name_exact^25 names_exact^20 name^10 names^1
fq featureType:PPL
fl *,score
rows 20
wt json

A query (parameter q) will search the the primary and language-specific names of all municipalities. Exact matches and matches of the primary name are scored higher than those of other names or partial matches.

Per default the endpoint returns all fields (i.e. the names in all languages) plus the score value. When using the service, the fl parameter should be set to reflect the user's preferred language. E.g. for English it should be set to name, name_en, country, admunit1_name, admunit1_name_en, admunit2_name, admunit2_name_en, geometry.

This would be a complete query: /query?fl=name,name_en,country,admunit1_name,admunit1_name_en,admunit2_name,admunit2_name_en,geometry&q=M%C3%BCnchen

  "responseHeader": { "status": 0, "QTime": 2 },
  "response": {
    "numFound": 29,
    "start": 0,
    "docs": [
        "name": "Munich",
        "name_en": [ "Munich" ],
        "country": "DE",
        "admunit1_name": "Bavaria",
        "admunit1_name_en": [ "Bavaria" ],
        "admunit2_name": "Upper Bavaria",
        "admunit2_name_en": [ "Upper Bavaria" ],
        "geometry": ["48.13743 11.57549"]
        "name": "Grafing bei München",
        "country": "DE",
        "admunit1_name": "Bavaria",
        "admunit1_name_en": [ "Bavaria" ],
        "admunit2_name": "Upper Bavaria",
        "admunit2_name_en": [ "Upper Bavaria" ],
        "geometry": ["48.04596 11.96797"]
        "name": "München",
        "country": "DE",
        "admunit1_name": "Bavaria",
        "admunit1_name_en": [ "Bavaria" ],
        "admunit2_name": "Lower Bavaria",
        "admunit2_name_en": [ "Lower Bavaria" ],
        "geometry":["48.6962905027349 13.4634167318815"]
        "name": "München",
        "country": "DE",
        "admunit1_name": "Brandenburg",
        "admunit1_name_en": [ "Brandenburg" ],
        "geometry": ["51.60698 13.31243"]

Additionally the scoring can be altered to boost large municipalities by adding population to the score. This can be done by setting the bf query parameter to something like sqrt(population).

Additional Examples

  • To restrict the returned features to a specific country, add fq=country:DE: /query?fl=name,name_en,country,admunit1_name,admunit1_name_en,admunit2_name,admunit2_name_en,geometry&q=M%C3%BCnchen&fq=country:DE&fq=featureType:PPL. Note that you have to explicitly add fq=featureType:PPL to limit the query to populated places.
  • To list the german name of all first-order administrative units of Germany: /query?q=*%3A*&fl=name_de&wt=json&indent=true&defType=edismax&qf=&df=&fq=country:DE&fq=featureType:ADM1
    • Same for France: /query?q=*%3A*&fl=name_de&wt=json&indent=true&defType=edismax&qf=&df=&fq=country:FR&fq=featureType:ADM1
  • To find cities containing the name Berlin that are not located in Germany: /query?q=Berlin&fl=name,country&rows=35&fq=!country:DE&fq=featureType:PPL