Allow setting cookie domain for the transactionCookie separately from session cookie
Closed this issue · 1 comments
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Describe the problem you'd like to have solved
In a setup where redirects to login page (e.g. is an Auth0 tenant custom domain).
Then in Safari at least the auth_verification cookie can be dropped (likely due to Safari ITP) in authorization code flow from the redirect to the callback (response_mode query). As Safari may interpret the redirect from to as a cross-site request.
This results to the quite infamous checks.state argument is missing error in the callback handler.
Describe the ideal solution
Potential solution would be to allow setting the cookie domain for the transaction cookie separately from the session cookie domain.
In a -> type of setup you may not want to expose also the session cookie to the top level domain But it should fix ITP issues if the auth_verification cookie is set to the domain.
Alternatives and current workarounds
You can set the cookie domain but it changes also the session cookie domain.
Another bit more crafty workaround what we have thought but not yet implemented:
app.get('/login', (req, res) =>
await res.oidc.login({
returnTo: '/profile',
authorizationParams: {
redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback',
const cookie = res.getHeader('Set-Cookie')
// Store the auth_verification cookie to Redis as a backup with state as key
// Replace the cookie in callback handling from Redis if not present in the request.
Additional context
Any workaround ideas or comments to those mentioned above also would be appreciated.
Closing the issue. This was an configuration issue where the http -> https redirect was not working correctly Safari.
So the issue was reproducing in a authorization code flow: -> ->
where auth_verification cookie was being dropped.
In correct flow from -> -> the issue does not reproduce in Safari.