An Express.js middleware to protect OpenID Connect web applications.
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Allow setting cookie domain for the transactionCookie separately from session cookie
#636 opened by mhautala - 0
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absoluteDuration: false not working as expected
#624 opened by hwride - 2
AuthorizationParameters.nonce is discarded.
#622 opened by timvanoostrom - 1
Don't set `id_token` if not in refresh response
#628 opened by wryrye - 4
Be able to have different strategies of session storage between logged users or anonymous ones
#623 opened by Will956 - 2
BadRequestError: checks.state argument is missing when routing between pages using browser's back button
#625 opened by link01153113 - 2
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Documentation gaps (, is this framework ONLY for auth0, or can work with any OIDC provider?
#613 opened by DmitriyAlergant-T1A - 0
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Please support NestJS.
#436 opened by KieronWiltshire - 3
Continue Signed In Functionality
#488 opened by mnadeem - 1
Have a way to configure different domain for refreshing token and accessing login page
#554 opened by Will956 - 2
BadRequestError: checks.state argument is missing
#543 opened by javiern8410 - 3
Allow logout_hint instead of id_token_hint
#530 opened by timvanoostrom - 2
checks.state argument is missing
#512 opened by maciekpaprocki - 1
code samples, an interface, or middleware for fastify (express is becoming legacy)
#504 opened by jordanst3wart - 2
node crypto hkdfSync vs hkdf
#487 opened by alexcberk - 4
Timeout issues when calling `/oauth/token` and/or `.well-known/openid-configuration`
#482 opened by Will956 - 1
ES6 Modules are not yet supported completely.
#480 opened by techlism - 2
the "originalUrl" is not used as the default "returnTo" url, the baseUrl is
#479 opened by jordanst3wart - 2
AggregateError: failed
#476 opened by mnadeem - 5
Incorrect forwarding with reverse proxy after callback
#475 opened by sebsgr - 5
Expose the http parameters, including https, e.g. certificate authority (ca) in auth config
#459 opened by hcjehg - 1
Use of sync api
#474 opened by maciekpaprocki - 1
Using express-openid-connect with express 5
#472 opened by maciekpaprocki - 2
Auth flow doesn't complete when using AWS Lambda
#473 opened by rbhalla - 12
Question: mitigate `checks.state argument is missing` error when messing with concurrent login.
#467 opened by maxime-bc - 7
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Modify Config based on request headers.
#466 opened by srirudratetali273 - 2
Question: `genid` function as async
#463 opened by Will956 - 6
Logout does not produce the expected behavior when performed by GET <CUSTOM_DOMAIN>/v2/logout call (PKCE flow)
#455 opened by StudioFlow - 2
client_credentials flow support?
#457 opened by juliussuominen - 2
`/logout` cookie cleaning issues
#452 opened by Will956 - 2
isExpired should not only check access token, but also provide possibility to validate for id token
#444 opened by awacode21 - 1
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Use appSession for unauthenticated users
#450 opened by webstacker - 4
in-flight request re-establishes `appSession` cookie that is cleared by `/logout`
#446 opened by samm81 - 5
Allow authorization bearer header to authenticate
#445 opened by qpwo - 4
Question - appSession cookie not backed with a session store - is there a workaround?
#440 opened by javapapo - 4
The 'expires' prop required in the cookiesConfig
#431 opened by younes-io - 5
BadRequestError: checks.state argument is missing, While Production and deployment in digital ocean platform.
#432 opened by naresh4dev - 2
invalid_token after success login
#433 opened by rjcpereira - 1
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Defense-In-Depth Post-Login CSRF Support
#426 opened by madaster97