- 0
Use native Base64 APIs for decoding when available
#395 opened by jonkoops - 7
jwtDecode is not a function
#140 opened by NsdHSO - 3
error cannot find module jwt-decode.esm.js
#389 opened by satyaprakash-yadav - 6
- 17
- 2
In TypeScript when jwtDecode(token), the return is a JwtPayload Interface, hence the expiration time must to be expires instead exp
#355 opened by GuiMunizPB - 2
Export base64UrlDecode function
#346 opened by mathiasklassen - 1
jwtDecode is not working react native app
#323 opened by pgpankajcapgemini - 9
- 2
jwt decode is not working in react native
#291 opened by vish3232 - 3
#268 opened by nadeemGroupIn - 1
React native decode
#260 opened by dazx606 - 2
- 2
No Support for React Native & Expo
#248 opened by DeveloperAspire - 3
- 3
InvalidTokenError: Invalid token specified: Unexpected number at position 0
#223 opened by ejdisney22 - 4
- 8
- 2
Consider renaming `master` branch to `main`
#153 opened by jonkoops - 10
Type definitions are broken in 4.0.0-beta.1
#169 opened by remcohaszing - 4
- 8
How about removing the atob polyfill?
#145 opened by cristobal - 2
ESM Support with Jest for Node Api clients
#142 opened by MInesAlderete - 5
Does not work with electron packager/asar archive
#141 opened by ssrakesh - 3
React Native Invalid Token Specified
#79 opened by unblvdl - 4
Two additional tests?
#131 opened by mb21 - 3
Thoughts on adding a bin?
#129 opened by jrjohnson - 5
Type for JwtPayload is missing claims
#121 opened by grempe - 2
QUESTION: Does this work with React-Native
#75 opened by AlexMachin1997 - 0
- 8
Warning when using with Angular 10
#90 opened by dmytro-gokun - 1
jwt-decode fails to decode well-formed JWT
#119 opened by winston0410 - 3
Symbol "InvalidTokenError" is not exported when using jwt-decode.js standalone
#114 opened by marcodb26 - 3
buggy AMD-implementation
#106 opened by dlueth - 2
Angular 6 version
#116 opened by randym127 - 3
ES6 version
#113 opened by AlexKirilov - 1
built do not have minified version
#100 opened by toutpt - 3
Suggestion: Support generics
#109 opened by cloakedch - 3
Build output inconsistency makes it impossible to create TypeScript definitions
#103 opened by remcohaszing - 3
- 1
[Angular 10] TypeError: jwt_decode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ is not a function
#102 opened by cloakedch - 5
Error using 3.0.0-beta.2 in VueJS
#96 opened by sduncan-tribe - 6
TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode
#93 opened by AlBlanc - 1
"beta" version is marked as "latest"
#95 opened by medikoo - 3
- 2
ESM Support
#78 opened by jrgleason - 1
in web can not work
#89 opened by hktalent - 1
- 3
Thank you so much!~
#80 opened by hopeseekr - 3
InvalidTokenError: Invalid token specified
#76 opened by anujsinghwd