🖌 Conjunction of design patterns, components and resources used across our products.
- 0
- 3
#198 opened by elioqoshi - 1
Color of success label is incorrect
#189 opened by nkohari - 0
Can't npm start website
#197 opened by m4tr1k - 0
100% parity between the components of the packages components and react-components
#150 opened by ramasilveyra - 0
Create a discussions .md files about the decisions taken and the future plans
#152 opened by ramasilveyra - 2
- 1
- 1
- 0
Add option to collapse/expand snippet
#92 opened by mpaktiti - 2
#93 opened by vctrfrnndz - 1
Things to add
#26 opened by rickyrauch - 0
Improved Syntax Highlighter
#64 opened by ntotten - 1
Create microsoft budicon
#187 opened by ntotten - 1
Windows icon is outdated
#186 opened by ntotten - 1
Create budicon for Google G
#185 opened by ntotten - 2
Feature: Language/Version Selector
#85 opened by chenkie - 0
npm test on website and components fails
#138 opened by ramasilveyra - 2
Templates for Email Redesign
#97 opened by jbauth - 1
Move runtime requires to ES Modules
#151 opened by ramasilveyra - 1
Release the new website
#148 opened by ramasilveyra - 0
Review modals z-index
#140 opened by Cherna - 1
Update new labels design
#67 opened by yohannaje - 2
- 0
Add Symfony Circle Logo
#120 opened by chenkie - 0
Add Laravel Circle Logo
#119 opened by chenkie - 0
Update Aurelia logo for quickstarts
#117 opened by chenkie - 3
Create component for Quickstarts
#91 opened by yohannaje - 0
Some vars are undefined
#95 opened by ramasilveyra - 2
Add chrome logo
#100 opened by chenkie - 3
Email client rendering issues in Outlook/Gmail App
#101 opened by jbauth - 1
'Download Sketch' - broken link
#99 opened by UgRoss - 1
Improve footer
#83 opened by yohannaje - 1
Tooltips loading avenir as web font.
#63 opened by arielger - 2
Add Android Phone Mockup
#87 opened by ntotten - 1
Add Cycle.js icon
#86 opened by chenkie - 0
Improve cards UI
#76 opened by yohannaje - 1
- 1
Set icons for new docs
#69 opened by mpaktiti - 2
- 1
specify font weight 500 for bolds
#71 opened by solepano - 1
Switches - Mobile Version
#34 opened by barbiemmc - 1
Add breadcrumbs to styleguide
#30 opened by solepano - 3
Code picker UI
#36 opened by ntotten - 0
Alerts - Mobile Version
#33 opened by barbiemmc - 0
Top Margin too small when navigating the menu bar
#39 opened by fedness - 0
Dark Theme - Typos - Mobile Version
#35 opened by barbiemmc - 4
- 2
- 4