
A backend boilerplate with TS, Express and Prisma

Primary LanguageTypeScript

📝 Node TypeScript Backend Boilerplate

⚡ Express + Prisma + ESLint + Prettier + Jest + Supertest

A simple boilerplate to start a backend proyect for Node with TypeScript and Express.

✅ Requirements

You only need Node.js, recommended LTS version. If you prefer, you can optionally use yarn as a package manager.

👩‍💻 Get started

  1. Clone this repo
> git clone git@github.com:authc0d3/node-typescript-backend-boilerplate.git
  1. Install dependencies
> cd node-typescript-backend-boilerplate
> npm install
  1. Run database migrations

You need to install MySQL, create a database, modify the DATABASE_URL environment variable to set the correct URL and run the migrations:

> npx prisma migrate dev
  1. Start the server in development mode
> npm run dev

You will check in your browser with this address: http://localhost:8000

🔬 Testing & Coverage

> npm run test
> npm run test:coverage

🚀 Build & run in production

> npn run build
> npm run prod

🛠️ Customize configuration

You can configure some server properties like port or morgan mode using the .env file.

📖 License

This project is under MIT.