
Example on how to configure multiple ceph clusters in k8s with rook-ceph and kustomize

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rook ceph multi clusters

This example shows how to setup two instances of CephCluster, each with replica set to 2 and exposing two different StorageClass resources.

Namespaces are arranged as follows:

Operator runs in the rook-ceph namespace.

CephCluster for data (backed by low performance disks) runs in the rook-ceph-data namespace.

CephCluster for index (backed by faster disks) runs in the rook-ceph-idx namespace.


The example provide kustomization files with 2 overlays

dev overlay

This is a 3 nodes setup, with disks selected by devicePathFilter property.

Render with: kustomize build rook-ceph/overlays/dev

production overlay

This is a 3 nodes setup, with disks selected by deviceFilter property.

Render with: kustomize build rook-ceph/overlays/production