
A playground app powered by Authlib

Primary LanguagePython

Authlib Playground

An online playground for Authlib.

Play Authlib with https://play.authlib.org/.

Dive into Authlib

  1. Create an account at https://play.authlib.org/
  2. Try Authlib client features with Connects
  3. Try Authlib OAuth servers with Apps

OAuth 2 Server

Read the documentation on OAuth 2 Flask server.


  • Authorization Endpoint: https://play.authlib.org/oauth2/authorize
  • Token Endpoint: https://play.authlib.org/oauth2/token
  • Revocation Endpoint: https://play.authlib.org/oauth2/revoke


  • User profile (no scope): https://play.authlib.org/api/2/me
  • User email (scope: email): https://play.authlib.org/api/2/me/email
  • User connects (scope: connects): https://play.authlib.org/api/2/connects

OAuth 1 Server

Read the documentation on OAuth 1 Flask server.


  • Authorization Endpoint: https://play.authlib.org/oauth1/authorize
  • Temporary Credentials Endpoint: https://play.authlib.org/oauth1/init
  • Token Credentials Endpoint: https://play.authlib.org/oauth1/token


  • User profile: https://play.authlib.org/api/1/me

Local development

To run this playground, you need to clone this repo at first:

$ git clone git@github.com:authlib/playground.git

Create an virtualenv, and install the requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy the sample conf file in conf directory:

$ cp conf/dev.config.py.sample conf/dev.config.py

You need to register client Apps in these websites:

  1. Google
  2. Twitter
  3. Facebook
  4. GitHub

Get the client_id/consumer_key and client_secret/consumer_secret from these services and fill them into conf/dev.config.py.

Please remember to set the right callback uri:

  1. Google:
  2. Twitter:
  3. Facebook:
  4. GitHub:

Run the example server with:

$ export FLASK_APP=app.py
$ export FLASK_DEBUG=1
$ flask run