
Documentation for the Delay API Service

Delay API Service Docs

Docs for delay api endpoints. Currently very much a work in progress.

Authenticated Requests

Requests to authenticated endpoints must including the X-DELAY-AUTH header:

Name Format Optional Description
Auth Token X-DELAY-AUTH n Authentication token for a device. Generated on sign up or sign in

User Agent

Please set user agent to the following:

Device Type User Agent
iOS Delay-iOS-<$Version>
Android Delay-Android-<$Version>
Web Delay-Web-<$Version>


Create New user

Create a new user. All fields can be left blank and a new anonymous user will be created.

POST /users


Name Type Optional Description
first_name string y Users first name
last_name string y Users last name
email string y Users email address
password string y Users password

Note: if email is specified, password must also be specified


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "7096ca22-435a-470b-9d21-e3ddecbfbc3c",
        "auth_token": "5f12cd09-0f11-4ed7-867d-3e8884948920",
        "created_on": "1501709004"
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        //meta info

May return error code 1002.

Get Users

Authentication required

Returns info for all users auth_token has access to.

GET /users


    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "id": "7096ca22-435a-470b-9d21-e3ddecbfbc3c",
            "first_name": "Bobby",
            "last_name": "Tables",
            "email": "bobby.tables@example.com",
            "created_on": "1501709004"
            "id": "aadd50f0-4063-4c3d-a051-15cde26160f5",
            "first_name": "Homer",
            "last_name": "Simpson",
            "email": "h.simpson@example.com",
            "created_on": "1501709004"
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get User Info

Authentication required

Returns info for a particular user.

GET /users/:user_id


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "7096ca22-435a-470b-9d21-e3ddecbfbc3c",
        "first_name": "Bobby",
        "last_name": "Tables",
        "email": "bobby.tables@example.com",
        "created_on": "1501709004"
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Update User Info

Authentication required

Updates given user info. Note that when changing the password new_password, new_password_repeated and old_password are required. Also note that a change in email address wil trigger a new confirmation email to be sent out before the change is applied.

PATCH /users/:user_id


Name Type Optional Description
first_name string y Users first name
last_name string y Users last name
email string y Users email address
new_password string y Users password
new_password_repeated string y Users new password repeated
old_password string y Users old password


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "before": {
            "id": "7096ca22-435a-470b-9d21-e3ddecbfbc3c",
            "first_name": "Bobby",
            "last_name": "Tables",
            "email": "bobby.tables@example.com",
            "created_on": "1501709004"
        "after": {
            "id": "7096ca22-435a-470b-9d21-e3ddecbfbc3c",
            "first_name": "Bobby",
            "last_name": "Tables",
            "email": "b.tables@example.com",
            "created_on": "1501709004"
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

May return error code 1003.

Delete User

Authentication required

Deletes a given user. This option will revoke all active auth_token for that user.

DELETE /users/:user_id


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "deleted_on": "1501736051"
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Authenticate User

Returns an access token for a given email and password.

POST /tokens


Name Type Optional Description
email string n Users email address
password string n Users password


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "user_id": "7096ca22-435a-470b-9d21-e3ddecbfbc3c",
        "auth_token": "5f12cd09-0f11-4ed7-867d-3e8884948920"
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

May return error code 1001.

Delete Access Token

Authentication required

Deletes access token.

DELETE /tokens/:token_id


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "user_id": "7096ca22-435a-470b-9d21-e3ddecbfbc3c",
        "deleted_on": "1501736051",
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Delete All Access Tokens

Authentication required

Deletes all access tokens associated with the account of the auth_token in X-DELAY_AUTH.

DELETE /tokens


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "7096ca22-435a-470b-9d21-e3ddecbfbc3c",
        "deleted_on": "1501736051",
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get Abnormally Running Trips

Authentication required

Gets a a list of all services currently running ahead or behind schedule.

GET /delays


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "count": 1,
        "date_created": "1501738185",
        "valid_until": "1501738215",
        "trips": [
                "id": "894a1261-88b8-49a9-8c07-142fc4299568",
                "route_id": "",
                "trip_id": "",
                "route_long_name": "",
                "route_short_name": "",
                "next_stop_id": "",
                "next_stop_lat": "",
                "next_stop_long": "",
                "next_stop_arrival_time": "",
                "delay": 100,
                "vehicle_id": "",
                "current_lat": "",
                "current_long": ""
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get All Routes

Authentication required

Gets all routes currently in the system. In the context of Delay it is almost always unnecessary to use this endpoint. Instead use search and get individual route.

GET /routes


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "count": 1,
        "valid_until": "1502928000",
        "routes": [
                "id": "66407722-89f0-4b71-8797-80971f7b2b22",
                "route_id": "",
                "route_long_name": "",
                "route_short_name": "",
                "route_type": ""
    "errors": {
        "code": 1004,
        "desc": "It is almost always unnecessary to call this endpoint."
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get Individual Route

Authentication required

Get route by id.

GET /routes/:route_id


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "count": 1,
        "valid_until": "1502928000",
        "routes": [
                "id": "66407722-89f0-4b71-8797-80971f7b2b22",
                "route_id": "",
                "route_long_name": "",
                "route_short_name": "",
                "route_type": ""
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get All Trips for Route

Authentication required

Get all trips for a particular route.

GET /routes/:route_id/trips


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "count": 1,
        "valid_until": "1502928000",
        "trips": [
                "id": "66407722-89f0-4b71-8797-80971f7b2b22",
                "route_id": "",
                "route_long_name": "",
                "route_short_name": "",
                "route_type": "",
                "trip_id": "",
                "headsign": "",
                "trip_begin": "",
                "trip_end": "",
                "days": [ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri" ],
                "stops": [
                        "id": "",
                        "stop_id": "",
                        "stop_name": "",
                        "stop_seq": 1,
                        "stop_lat": "",
                        "stop_long": "",
                        "arrival_time": "",
                        "departure_time": ""
                        "id": "",
                        "stop_id": "",
                        "stop_name": "",
                        "stop_seq": 2,
                        "stop_lat": "",
                        "stop_long": "",
                        "arrival_time": "",
                        "departure_time": ""
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Search For Routes

Authentication required

Search for routes similar to given parameters. params will be matched against GTFS route_id, route_short_name or route_long_name. Routes similar to multiple parameters in params will only be returned once. A route_type can also be specified to limit returned routes to those of a given GTFS routes.route_type.

Note: search will err on the generous side returning similar not exact matches to params.

POST /routes/search


Name Type Optional Description
params string[] n Array of search parameters
route_type integer y GTFS route type. Learn more here.


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "count": 1,
        "valid_until": "1502928000",
        "routes": [
                "id": "66407722-89f0-4b71-8797-80971f7b2b22",
                "route_id": "",
                "route_long_name": "",
                "route_short_name": "",
                "route_type": ""
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get All Trips

Authentication required

Gets all trips currently in the system. In the context of Delay it is almost always unnecessary to use this endpoint. Instead use search and get individual route.

Note: Day in this context is the 3 letter day representation i.e Mon,Tue, Thu etc

GET /trips


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "count": 1,
        "valid_until": "1502928000",
        "trips": [
                "id": "66407722-89f0-4b71-8797-80971f7b2b22",
                "route_id": "",
                "route_long_name": "",
                "route_short_name": "",
                "route_type": "",
                "trip_id": "",
                "headsign": "",
                "trip_begin": "",
                "trip_end": "",
                "days": [ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri" ],
                "stops": [
                        "id": "", 
                        "stop_id": "",
                        "stop_name": "",
                        "stop_seq": 1,
                        "stop_lat": "",
                        "stop_long": "",
                        "arrival_time": "",
                        "departure_time": ""
                        "id": "",
                        "stop_id": "",
                        "stop_name": "",
                        "stop_seq": 2,
                        "stop_lat": "",
                        "stop_long": "",
                        "arrival_time": "",
                        "departure_time": ""
    "errors": {
        "code": 1004,
        "desc": "It is almost always unnecessary to call this endpoint."
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get Individual Trip

Authentication required

Gets trip by id.

GET /trips/:trip_id


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "count": 1,
        "valid_until": "1502928000",
        "trips": [
                "id": "66407722-89f0-4b71-8797-80971f7b2b22",
                "route_id": "",
                "route_long_name": "",
                "route_short_name": "",
                "route_type": "",
                "trip_id": "",
                "headsign": "",
                "trip_begin": "",
                "trip_end": "",
                "days": [ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri" ],
                "stops": [
                        "id": "", 
                        "stop_id": "",
                        "stop_name": "",
                        "stop_seq": 1,
                        "stop_lat": "",
                        "stop_long": "",
                        "arrival_time": "",
                        "departure_time": ""
                        "id": "",
                        "stop_id": "",
                        "stop_name": "",
                        "stop_seq": 2,
                        "stop_lat": "",
                        "stop_long": "",
                        "arrival_time": "",
                        "departure_time": ""
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get Location of Trip

Authentication required

Gets location of trip.

GET /trips/:trip_id/location


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "vehicle_id": "",
        "lat": "",
        "long": "",
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

May return error code 1005 if the trip is not active.

Get All Subscriptions

Authentication required

Gets all subscriptions auth_token has access to.

GET /subscriptions


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "count": 2,
        "subscriptions": [
                "id": "",
                "route_id": "",
                "trip_id": "",
                "stop_time": {
                    "stop_time_id": "",
                    "stop_id": "",
                    "stop_name": "",
                    "stop_code": "",
                    "arrival_time": "",
                    "departure_time": ""
                "days": ["Mon", "Wed"],
                "date_created": "",
                "archived": false
                "id": "",
                "route_id": "",
                "trip_id": "",
                "stop_time": {
                    "stop_time_id": "",
                    "stop_id": "",
                    "stop_name": "",
                    "stop_code": "",
                    "arrival_time": "",
                    "departure_time": ""
                "days": ["Mon", "Wed"],
                "date_created": "",
                "archived": true
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get Individual Subscriptions

Authentication required

Gets single subscription

GET /subscriptions/:subscription_id


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "",
        "route_id": "",
        "trip_id": "",
        "stop_time": {
            "stop_time_id": "",
            "stop_id": "",
            "stop_name": "",
            "stop_code": "",
            "arrival_time": "",
            "departure_time": ""
        "days": ["Mon", "Wed"],
        "date_created": "",
        "archived": false
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Create Subscription

Authentication required

Create a subscription

POST /subscriptions


Name Type Optional Description
trip_id string n Delay trip_id
stop_time_id string n Delay stop_time_id
days string[] n Array of three letter day codes for which the user wishes to subscribe to the trip for
notification_ids uuid[] y ID of notification methods. If not present firebase cloud tokens used as default.


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "",
        "route_id": "",
        "trip_id": "",
        "stop_time": {
            "stop_time_id": "",
            "stop_id": "",
            "stop_name": "",
            "stop_code": "",
            "arrival_time": "",
            "departure_time": ""
        "days": ["Mon", "Wed"],
        "date_created": "",
        "archived": false
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

May return error code 1007.

Modify Subscription

Authentication required

Modify an existing subscription. In order to stop a user receiving notifications for that subscription it must be archived.

PATCH /subscriptions/:subscription_id


Name Type Optional Description
trip_id string y Delay trip_id
stop_time_id string y Delay stop_time_id
days string[] y Array of three letter day codes for which the user wishes to subscribe to the trip for
archived boolean y Controls whether or not user gets notification


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "",
        "route_id": "",
        "trip_id": "",
        "stop_time": {
            "stop_time_id": "",
            "stop_id": "",
            "stop_name": "",
            "stop_code": "",
            "arrival_time": "",
            "departure_time": ""
        "days": ["Mon", "Wed"],
        "date_created": "",
        "archived": false
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Delete Subscription

There is no delete method for subscriptions. Subscriptions will be automatically removed when they become invalid.

Create notification method

Authentication required

Create a new notification entry for user. By default when a notifiable event occurs and a subscription has no notification_ids setup delay will send the notification to all firebase cloud tokens setup on the account.

POST /notifications/


Name Type Optional Description
type char n Type of notification to be register.
value string n Value for notification. May be email, txt, or firebase cloud token
name string n User friendly name for notification. For push notifications it is suggested to use the device name
Character Name Description
e Email Notify via email
t Txt Notify via txt message (note user must be premium in order to recieve txts)
p Push Notify via firebase cloud messaging push notification


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "f62a955d-7f06-422d-90fd-af2cd9092d31",
        "type": "e",
        "value": "bob@example.com",
        "name": "Work Email",
        "date_created": "1503020719"
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

May return error code 1006.

Get All Notification Methods

Authentication required

Returns all notification methods associated with a user account.

GET /notifications/


    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "id": "f62a955d-7f06-422d-90fd-af2cd9092d31",
            "type": "e",
            "value": "bob@example.com",
            "name": "Work Email",
            "date_created": "1503020719"
            "id": "d5104900-3029-4aa6-b4e6-b61d0f14d680",
            "type": "p",
            "value": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "name": "Bob's iPhone",
            "date_created": "1503020719"
            "id": "b56b2b87-203d-41b7-bf45-d586daba00ed",
            "type": "t",
            "value": "5555555",
            "name": "Bob's Dumb Phone",
            "date_created": "1503020719"
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Get Individual Notification Method

Authentication required

Returns a single notification by id.

GET /notifications/:notification_id


    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "id": "b56b2b87-203d-41b7-bf45-d586daba00ed",
            "type": "t",
            "value": "5555555",
            "name": "Bob's Dumb Phone",
            "date_created": "1503020719"
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Delete Notification Method

Authentication required

Deletes given notification method.

DELETE /notifications/:notification_id


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "f62a955d-7f06-422d-90fd-af2cd9092d31",
        "deleted_on": "1503020858",
    "errors": null,
    "meta": {
        // meta info

Response Codes


Code Status Description
200 OK Request successful
400 Bad Request Request invalid
401 Unauthorized User doesn't have permission
403 Forbidden Request not authenticated
404 Not Found Endpoint Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed Incorrect HTTP method
409 Conflict User already exists
415 Unsupported Media Type Request was invalid JSON
418 I'm a tea pot
429 Too Many Requests Auth_token was rate limited


Code Description
1001 Incorrect email or password
1002 Returned if password is not set when email is or vice versa
1003 Returned if new_password, new_password_repeated or old_password are not all set
1004 Bad behavior warning. Returned if caller is doing something that constitutes bad behavior
1005 Trip not active
1006 User not premium. Txt notification method cannot be added.
1007 No notification id specified and no default firebase

Suggested Mobile Subscribe Flow

  1. Ask user whether they would like to subscribe to a bus, train or ferry
  2. Prompt the user to search
  3. Split user search into an array of each word
  4. POST route_type and params to /routes/search
  5. Display returned routes to user and let them select one
  6. Call /routes/:id/trips on the selected route, using its Delay id
  7. Prompt user for days they are interested in, save these as days for later
  8. Display only trips matching the given days
  9. Show users trip_begin and trip_end and prompt them to select the time frame their trip falls into
  10. Display to the user all stops and stop times for the trip that matches the chosen time frame
  11. POST stop_time_id and trip_id along with days to /subscriptions to create a new subscription


This JSON API does not conform to a specific standard. It takes inspiration from jsonapi.org and Cloudflare's apis.


Creative Commons

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License