
Intermittent error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

From time to time I get an error looking like the below. Most of the time everything works fine, and I haven't been able to determine exactly what triggers the error. The error arises when using auto-complete with nREPL 0.1.8-preview and ac-nrepl 20130420.929.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range 1 143)
count-lines(143 1)
popup-create(143 69 20 :min-height 0 :around t :margin-left nil :margin-right nil :scroll-bar nil :face popup-tip-face :parent nil :parent-offset nil)
popup-tip("clojure.core/take\n([n coll])\nReturns a lazy sequence of the first n items in coll, or all items if\nthere are fewer than n.\n" :point 143 :height 20 :min-height 0 :around t :parent nil :parent-offset nil :point 143 :height 20 :nowait t)
apply(popup-tip "clojure.core/take\n([n coll])\nReturns a lazy sequence of the first n items in coll, or all items if\nthere are fewer than n.\n" :point 143 :height 20 :min-height 0 :around t :parent nil :parent-offset nil (:point 143 :height 20 :nowait t))
popup-menu-show-quick-help([cl-struct-popup 143 8 0 10 10 nil 1 # # # # # # # # # # (mouse-4 . ac-mouse-4) (down-mouse-1 . ac-ignore) (mouse-1 . ac-mouse-1) (19 . ac-isearch) (16 . ac-previous) (14 . ac-next) keymap (C-up . ac-quick-help-scroll-up) (C-down . ac-quick-help-scroll-down) (67108927 . ac-help) (M-f1 . ac-persist-help) (f1 . ac-help) (up . ac-previous) (down . ac-next) (27 keymap (57 . ac-complete-9) (56 . ac-complete-8) (55 . ac-complete-7) (54 . ac-complete-6) (53 . ac-complete-5) (52 . ac-complete-4) (51 . ac-complete-3) (50 . ac-complete-2) (49 . ac-complete-1) (16 . ac-quick-help-scroll-up) (14 . ac-quick-help-scroll-down) (67108927 . ac-persist-help) (112 . ac-previous) (110 . ac-next) (9 . auto-complete)) (return) (13) (tab . ac-expand) (9 . ac-expand)) nil 0 ac-candidate-face ac-candidate-mouse-face ac-selection-face popup-summary-face 1 0 nil t t 0 0 0 0 (#("take" 0 4 (selection-face ac-nrepl-selection-face popup-face ac-nrepl-candidate-face document ac-nrepl-documentation symbol "v")) #("take-nth" 0 8 (selection-face ac-nrepl-selection-face popup-face ac-nrepl-candidate-face document ac-nrepl-documentation symbol "v")) #("take-last" 0 9 (selection-face ac-nrepl-selection-face popup-face ac-nrepl-candidate-face document ac-nrepl-documentation symbol "v")) #("take-while" 0 10 (selection-face ac-nrepl-selection-face popup-face ac-nrepl-candidate-face document ac-nrepl-documentation symbol "v"))) 9 nil (#("take" 0 4 (selection-face ac-nrepl-selection-face popup-face ac-nrepl-candidate-face document ac-nrepl-documentation symbol "v")) #("take-nth" 0 8 (selection-face ac-nrepl-selection-face popup-face ac-nrepl-candidate-face document ac-nrepl-documentation symbol "v")) #("take-last" 0 9 (selection-face ac-nrepl-selection-face popup-face ac-nrepl-candidate-face document ac-nrepl-documentation symbol "v")) #("take-while" 0 10 (selection-face ac-nrepl-selection-face popup-face ac-nrepl-candidate-face document ac-nrepl-documentation symbol "v")))] nil :point 143 :height 20 :nowait t)
apply(ac-quick-help nil)
byte-code("r\301\302H\303H\"\210)\301\207" [timer apply 5 6] 4)
timer-event-handler([t 0 0 500000 0.5 ac-quick-help nil idle 0])
accept-process-output(nil 0.005)
nrepl-send-request-sync(("ns" "com.jayway.rps.core" "op" "eval" "session" "c6135125-2940-4693-bdaa-741f1e075b90" "code" "(require 'complete.core) (filter #(.startsWith % \"ta\")(complete.core/namespaces ns))"))
nrepl-send-string-sync("(require 'complete.core) (filter #(.startsWith % \"ta\")(complete.core/namespaces ns))" "com.jayway.rps.core" "c6135125-2940-4693-bdaa-741f1e075b90")
ac-nrepl-sync-eval("(require 'complete.core) (filter #(.startsWith % \"ta\")(complete.core/namespaces ns))")
ac-nrepl-candidates*("(filter #(.startsWith % \"ta\")(complete.core/namespaces ns))")
ac-candidates-1(((candidates . ac-nrepl-candidates-ns) (symbol . "n") (available . ac-nrepl-available-p) (candidate-face . ac-nrepl-candidate-face) (selection-face . ac-nrepl-selection-face) (prefix . ac-nrepl-symbol-start-pos) (document . ac-nrepl-documentation)))
apply(ac-show-menu nil)
byte-code("r\301\302H\303H\"\210)\301\207" [timer apply 5 6] 4)
timer-event-handler([t 0 0 400000 0.4 ac-show-menu nil idle 0])
m2ym commented

This may happen when generating candidates in asynchronous. ac-nrepl should pass 4th argument to accept-process-output to suppress timers to fire. Could you please make a bug report and send it to ac-nrepl team?

I have done so already, but will follow up with them on your response.

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Tomohiro Matsuyama <


This may happen when generating candidates in asynchronous. ac-nrepl
should pass 4th argument to accept-process-output to suppress timers to
fire. Could you please make a bug report and send it to ac-nrepl team?

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