
What is this?

A simple javascript wrapper for GitHub Actions to execute terraform commands

How to use

  • install npm i -g @vercel/ncc
  • run npm install and npm run-script build
  • Notes:
    • node_modules needs to be commit to repository


How to run this?

Create a workflow with this like any normal github action workflow. A regular workflow will look like this :

name: Test Terraform Actions

      - master
      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - name: tf-ensure
        uses: auto1-oss/terraform-actions-aws@master
          terraform_version: '0.12.20'
          command: 'ensure'

      - name: tf-init
        uses: auto1-oss/terraform-actions-aws@master
          terraform_version: '0.12.20'
          command: 'init'

Supported Inputs

The workflow supports the following inputs.

terraform_version The version of terraform to use. If the binary is not installed please use the ensure action. Required: True

command The action to perform. The terraform actions supported are init, plan, apply, destroy. There is an additional action defined ensure that checks if you have the exact version of terraform provided as terraform version in workflow installed, or it will download and place the binary on $PATH. Required: True

working-directory The path(directories) to the terraform manifests. Should be a relative path w.r.t the root directory. By default set to cwd . Required: False

bucket The state bucket to use. Can be skipped if you want to maintain local state. Required: False

stateprefix The bucket key to use to store the state. Optional if you are using local state. Required: False

varsfile Use a terraform variable file if any. Required: False

planfile Use a custom name for a plan file. Default name out.plan. Required: False

target Set targets for plan and apply. Default value is empty. Required: False, for an example target: "-target=aws_s3_bucket.random"

workspace The workspace to use. Uses default workspace by default. Required: False

create-workspace Set to true if a new terraform workspace has to be created, the workspace name would be set by the workspace input. Required: false

aws_region The AWS region to use AWS provisioning for. Default is eu-west-1. Use this to switch your region. Required: False

aws_access_key_id You can opt to use your access key id to provision the workflow or ensure you use a github runner that has appropriate IAM permissions to provision your infra. In the former case this is a mandatory parameter. To use this it is recommended to store this as your repo secret and use this as


in your workflow input. Required: False

aws_secret_access_key You can opt to use your secret access key to provision the workflow or ensure you use a github runner that has appropriate IAM permissions to provision your infra. In the former case this is a mandatory parameter. To use this it is recommended to store this as your repo secret and use this as


in your workflow input. Required: False

target generates a plan only for defined resources.

Supported platforms

For now this action only supports the ubuntu-latest runners owing to the fact that it is only acting as a wrapper for terraform operations. To provision this on a self-hosted runner you would need to hook this up with an Ubuntu based machine.

To learn how to setup your self hosted runner please check the article here