Voicey - Flutter voice message player


Voicey is a flutter package to play voice messages in chats. Also, you can sicking by dragging on voice noises.

Platform Support

Android iOS MacOS Web
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


First add voicey to your pubsbec.yaml file:

  voice_message_package: <latest-version>

Next, get package from pub dependencies:

flutter pub get

How to use

All you need is pass your audio file src to VoiceMessage widget:

  controller: VoiceController(
    audioSrc: 'https://dl.musichi.ir/1401/06/21/Ghors%202.mp3',
    maxDuration: const Duration(seconds: 0),
    isFile: false,
    onComplete: () {},
    onPause: () {},
    onPlaying: () {},
    onError: (err) {},


  • [✔️] Cache audio and play from cache.
  • [✔️] Seeking on audio by drag on noises.
  • [✔️] Change playback speed.
  • [✔️] Handle exceptions.
  • dynamic size for voice widget.


Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.

📌Find me at www.mehran.monster


🍺 Pull requests are welcome!

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