
The URLPattern API provides a web platform primitive for matching URLs.

Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION

This repository proposes creating a native web API to match URLs called URLPattern. URLPattern would support both web developer use in JS and native URL matching in other web APIs. For example, the initial use cases discuss using URLPattern for service worker scope matching.

For more information:

  • The URLPattern documentation describes the final API shape and provides a number of examples.
  • The December 2020 update describes the API shape and implementation status at the time.
  • The explainer discusses the motivating use cases and early API ideas.
  • The design document goes into more detail, including webidl and how the API might be implemented in Chromium. Some of this has changed during implementation. See the latest update for the most recent API shape.

For questions about usage, please use Github Discussions. For issues with the spec and feature requests, please use Github Issues.