- Navigate to your project directory
cd path/to/your/project
- Create a virtual environment named 'venv' (or any name you prefer)
python -m venv test_env
- Activate the virtual environment On Windows
- Activate the virtual environment On macOS and Linux
source venv/bin/activate
Ensure your virtual environment is active then you can install dependencies
pip install playwright
pip install pytest
- to integrate Playwright more seamlessly with pytest, providing fixtures and test functions specifically tailored for Playwright. It simplifies the process of writing tests by managing browser contexts
pip install pytest-playwright
- for running tests in parallel, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to run extensive test suites.
pip install pytest-xdist
- generating HTML reports of your pytest test sessions.
pip install pytest-html
- For more comprehensive reporting
pip install allure-pytest
- maintain code quality by checking for style issues, programming errors, and other potential bugs in your Python scripts.
pip install flake8
pip install pylint
# auto-formatters that help keep your codebase consistent
pip install black
After you clone the project from : [GITHUB] (https://github.com/automagiq/Odessa_Auto)
- you can set up your own virtual environment and install the required dependencies by running
python -m venv test_env
source test_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt