
Automata Network is a modular attestation layer that extends machine trust to Ethereum with TEE Coprocessors.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Rust Docker



On Ubuntu/Debian (or similar distributions on WSL), install the following packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential pkg-config llvm-dev libclang-dev clang libssl-dev curl

Install Rust through rustup.rs:

curl https://getsubstrate.io -sSf | bash -s -- --fast

Initialize your Wasm Build environment:


Build Wasm and native code:

cargo build --release --features finitestate


Local Two-node Testnet

If you want to see the multi-node consensus algorithm in action locally, then you can create a local testnet. You'll need two terminals open. In one, run:

./target/release/automata --chain=local --alice -d /tmp/alice

And in the other, run:

./target/release/automata --chain=local --bob -d /tmp/bob --port 30334 --bootnodes '/ip4/<ALICE_BOOTNODE_ID_HERE>'
Ensure you replace `ALICE_BOOTNODE_ID_HERE` with the node ID from the output of the first terminal.

You can muck around by heading to https://polkadot.js.org/apps and choose "Local Node" from the Settings menu. Make sure you have the following type definitions saved in the Settings->Developer page:

  "ResourceId": "[u8; 32]",
  "DepositNonce": "u64",
  "ProposalVotes": {
    "votes_for": "Vec<AccountId>",
    "votes_against": "Vec<AccountId>",
    "status": {
      "_enum": [
  "BridgeTokenId": "U256",
  "BridgeChainId": "u8",
  "VestingPlan": {
    "start_time": "u64",
    "cliff_duration": "u64",
    "total_duration": "u64",
    "interval": "u64",
    "initial_amount": "Balance",
    "total_amount": "Balance",
    "pub vesting_during_cliff": "bool"


Apache 2.0