
Automata DCAP V3

Archived Notification

We released Automata DCAP Attestation to support Intel SGX/TDX DCAP attestation together with Automata On Chain PCCS. Check out the latest repositories to start your DCAP journey.

Getting Started

Clone this repo, by running the following command:

git clone --recurse-submodules

This repo includes both Hardhat and Foundry frameworks. Therefore, you can absolutely provide additional scripts and test cases written in both Solidity and TypeScript.

If you are building with Hardhat, make sure to run the command below to install the necessary NPM packages.

npm install

Before you begin, make sure to create a copy of the .env file with the example provided. Then, please provide any remaining variables that are missing.

cp .env.example .env

Building With Foundry

Compile the contract:

forge build

Testing the contract:

forge test

To provide additional test cases, please include those in the /forge-test directory.

To provide additional scripts, please include those in the /forge-script directory.

Deployment Scripts

  • AutomataDcapV3Attestation deployment
forge script DeployDCAPScript --broadcast --rpc-url $RPC_URL

Projects using AutomataDcapV3Attestation