

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The idea is to explore LLMs as the kernel process of an OS, inspired by Karpathy as part of Backdrop Build.

                   User, Other LLMs, LLMOS itself, LLM Apps: Samantha (tm) ;-)
                        | User Mode |
                        |   LLM OS   |     
         |             |             |           |
       -----         -----         ----         ---- 
      | CPU |       | MEM |       | IO |       | FS |
       -----         -----         ----         ----
    (Scheduler,    (Embedding)   (Browser,      (Embedding)
     Python exec)    Context       Web APIs,     Vector db (long term), MemGPT?,
                                   Other LLMs,   Files, ...

LLM vs OS:

  • I/O: Multimodal input and output after vectorizing/tokenizing
  • IPC / Networking: Plugins to handle internet APIs and browser access
  • CPU / Runtime exec / Scheduler: Eval of code in any prog. language (sandboxed), at any time. Smarter scheduler.
  • File System: Plugins to handle local FS
  • Physical/Virtual Memory: Vector based memory (memGPT)

New possibilities to explore:

  • Non-deterministic / flexibility
  • AutoGPT-ish mechanism to extend it's own implementation

What the v0 could be?

  • Put all those pieces together and solve a toy problem
  • Build a simple "LLM App" on top of it, assistant-like, Sam (short for Samantha) :-)


(venv) % python llmos.py
< LLMOS Welcome! Waiting USER input...
> Calculate 2 + 3
< CPU eval('2 + 3')
< LLMOS Output of 2 + 3 is 5. Waiting for further USER input...
> Store result for later
< MEM STORE calculation_result=5
