
Experimental NoFlo-compatible Python FBP runtime

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status


Experiments in dataflow and Flow-based programming based on Python, compatible and integrated with NoFlo


After installing python 2.7:

git clone https://github.com/chadrik/protoflo
cd protoflo
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to use the NoFlo web UI, install and run that as well:

npm install -g n
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo n 0.10

mkdir noflo
cd noflo

git clone https://github.com/noflo/noflo-ui
cd noflo-ui
git checkout 0.9.0
npm install
# running bower before grunt prompts to resolve a dependency conflict which otherwise causes grunt to fail
bower install
grunt build
python -m SimpleHTTPServer


  1. cd into the directory that you cloned ProtoFlo into.
  2. Register ProtoFlo as a NoFlo runtime (discover what is your UID on NoFlo)
    python -m protoflo register --user YOUR_UID --label ProtoFlo
  3. Start the ProtoFlo runtime.
    python -m protoflo runtime
  4. Create a new project in NoFlo selecting the ProtoFlo runtime
  5. Inside the new project/graph, select the appropriate ProtoFlo runtime clicking on the top-right menu
  6. Green arrows should appear on the top-right menu, right before ws:\\localhost:3569
  7. Try typing Add into the component search box on top-left


First install the test suite:

nmp install -g fbp-protocol

Then, from the repo directory, run the tests



Modules with names beginning with "protoflo" on the Python Path are searched for components - they must have a __components__ attribute which is a dict listing the components. Components should be sub-classes of protoflo.components.IComponent or methods which return IComponent objects. Alternatively, they can be a filename pointing to a json or fbp graph file.



Can create and run graphs using the NoFlo UI protocol.

Conversion from Noflo

The code in this repo is based on a direct conversion from coffeescript+node into python+twisted of noflo-runtime-websocket and its dependencies.

The chart below shows which repos and files the protoflo source code is based on. The code is based on Noflo 0.5.4 (and needs to be updated).

Protoflo Module Original Repo Original File
protoflo/components/graph.py noflo components/Graph.coffee
protoflo/server/protocol/component.py noflo-runtime-base protocol/Component.coffee
protoflo/server/protocol/graph.py noflo-runtime-base protocol/Graph.coffee
protoflo/server/protocol/network.py noflo-runtime-base protocol/Network.coffee
protoflo/server/protocol/runtime.py noflo-runtime-base protocol/Runtime.coffee
protoflo/server/transport/base.py noflo-runtime-base Base.coffee
protoflo/server/server.py noflo-runtime-websocket runtime/network.js
protoflo/component.py noflo lib/Component.coffee, lib/ComponentLoader.coffee
protoflo/graph.py noflo lib/Graph.coffee
protoflo/helper.py noflo lib/Helpers.coffee
protoflo/network.py noflo lib/Network.coffee
protoflo/port.py noflo lib/Port.coffee, lib/InPort.coffee, lib/OutPort.coffee, lib/Ports.coffee
protoflo/socket.py noflo lib/InternalSocket.coffee
protoflo/util.py events




  • Update to latest Noflo
  • Write tests
  • Implement components for glib/GI, incl mainloop. GTK+ example
  • Implement port2port NoFlo Websocket protocol
  • Implement MicroFlo serial-protocol components