
Trading simulator and client for automated trading.

Primary LanguagePython


Trading simulator and client for automated trading.



If you haven't installed Python 3 yet, please download from here.

Create a virtual environment to install the Python dependencies

python3 -m venv automated-trading-venv

and activate it.

source ./automated-trading-venv/bin/activate

or if you are on Windows


Install the necessary dependencies

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Run the server

and run the server from the root directory.

python -m simulator.main

All done, you can now connect to the server at and make requests. You can also view the market at Enjoy!

Run the client interactively

Make sure you are in the virtual environment and run an interactive Python shell. Then import the module import client. This can be used to call the different available functions.

Available functions:

  • connect and disconnect: Connecting or disconnecting from the server
  • status: Print status of current orders
  • create: Create an order with these spces
  • revise: Revise an existing order
  • cancel: Cancel an existing order

You can run help(<function>) to check the signature.


>>> import client
>>> client.create_iceberg(side=client.Side.Buy, quantity=100, limit_price=10, slice_size=10)
>>> client.status()
Completed orders:
Pending orders:
[{'filled_quantity': 0,
  'iceberg_order': {'state': <State.Sent: 'Sent'>, 'message_id': '97d5b4d236004b21a8b7b4430ddf1428', 'order_id': '880ee4f16766410498390c1ca89a78e0', 'side': <Side.Buy: 'buy'>, 'limit_price': 10, 'slice_size': 10, 'slice_filled_quantity': 0},
  'limit_price': 10,
  'parent_id': '229d70abd2be4386b15d93d84dac411b',
  'quantity': 100,
  'side': <Side.Buy: 'buy'>,
  'state': <State.Sent: 'Sent'>,
  'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 15, 19, 12, 59, 65460)}]
>>> client.disconnect()
>>> exit()

Tail the client logs through tail -f trading_app.log and the simulator logs through tail -f exch_simulator.log.