
A dashboard app for tracking security tests. Built on Rails 5.0.2 and Bootstrap 4.

Primary LanguageRuby

Security Testing Dashboard

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This project is a proof of concept for tracking 'projects' that have had security testing performed on them.


The Security Testing Dashboard was created with the following components and versions; deviations may prevent the dashboard from operating properly.

  • Ruby 2.4.0 (x86_64-darwin16)
  • Rails v5.0.2
  • Bootstrap 4 Alpha
  • Highcharts JS
  • jQuery
  • Gems
    • HAML
    • Simple Form
    • Devise
    • Paperclip


To use the Security Testing Dashboard, simply follow these steps:

  • git clone https://github.com/automatesecurity/security-testing-dashboard.git
  • cd security-testing-dashboard
  • rails s
  • Visit http://localhost:3000

Note: The Security Testing Dashboard will be dockerized once core features are compelte


  • DB Schema
  • Implement authentication/authorization (Devise with LDAP support)
  • Reporting

User Stories

The following are high-level user stories for conceptualizing the features within the Security Testing Dashboard.

  • As a visitor

    I want to be able to request access to the site so I can notify the admin

  • As a user

    I want to view a list of projects assigned to my department so I can view my department's metrics

  • As a user

    I want an option that will allow me to export my department's data so I can leverage it outside of the application

  • As the admin of the site

    I want to add and remove authorized users so that I can control access to the site