[BUG] Problem with HyperBand setup given a total budget
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I wanted to use HyperBand and define a total budget as shown in the documentation. However, the actual budget that is used by SMAC does not match the requested budget.
The bug is caused by this line:
Line 47 in 9d19475
When computing the total budget of a HyperBand bracket we need to multiply the number of configs per budget by the respective budget:
total_budget = 0
for stage in _n_configs_in_stage.keys():
for b, c in zip(_budgets_in_stage[stage], _n_configs_in_stage[stage]):
total_budget += b * c
After fixing this, the actual budget is 9_999.99
Steps/Code to Reproduce
This is basically the example mentioned above:
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace import Configuration, ConfigurationSpace, Float
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from smac import MultiFidelityFacade, RunHistory, Scenario
from smac.intensifier.hyperband_utils import get_n_trials_for_hyperband_multifidelity
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, AutoML.org Freiburg-Hannover"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"
class QuadraticFunction:
max_budget = 500
def configspace(self) -> ConfigurationSpace:
cs = ConfigurationSpace(seed=0)
x = Float("x", (-5, 5), default=-5)
return cs
def train(self, config: Configuration, seed: int = 0, budget: float | None = None) -> float:
"""Returns the y value of a quadratic function with a minimum we know to be at x=0."""
x = config["x"]
if budget is None:
multiplier = 1
multiplier = 1 + budget / self.max_budget
return x**2 * multiplier
if __name__ == "__main__":
model = QuadraticFunction()
total_budget = 10000
min_budget = 10 # minimum budget per trial
max_budget = 500 # maximum budget per trial
eta = 3 # standard HB parameter influencing the number of stages
# Let's calculate how many trials we need to exhaust the total optimization budget (in terms of
# fidelity units)
n_trials = get_n_trials_for_hyperband_multifidelity(
total_budget=total_budget, # this is the total optimization budget we specify in terms of fidelity units
min_budget=min_budget, # This influences the Hyperband rounds, minimum budget per trial
max_budget=max_budget, # This influences the Hyperband rounds, maximum budget per trial
eta=eta, # This influences the Hyperband rounds
# Scenario object specifying the optimization "environment"
scenario = Scenario(
model.configspace, deterministic=True, n_trials=n_trials, min_budget=min_budget, max_budget=max_budget
# Now we use SMAC to find the best hyperparameters
smac = MultiFidelityFacade(
model.train, # We pass the target function here
overwrite=True, # Overrides any previous results that are found that are inconsistent with the meta-data
intensifier=MultiFidelityFacade.get_intensifier(scenario=scenario, eta=eta),
incumbent = smac.optimize()
total_budget_used = sum([trial.budget for trial in smac.runhistory])
print(f"Total budget defined: {total_budget}")
print(f"Total budget used: {total_budget_used}")
Expected Results
After calling get_n_trials_for_hyperband_multifidelity
with a total budget of 10_000
I would expect the actual used budget to be less than or equal to 10_000
Actual Results
The actual used budget is 25_611.11