- 12
- 0
- 1
[BUG] Problem with HyperBand setup given a total budget
#1179 opened by becktepe - 0
update license
#1182 opened by benjamc - 0
[Feature Request] Profiling
#1181 opened by bbudescu - 3
[Feature Request] Objectives RoI
#1172 opened by bbudescu - 11
[Feature Request] ASHA
#1169 opened by bbudescu - 1
AttributeError in TargetFunctionRunner
#1176 opened by RSD6170 - 1
Support for newer Python versions
#1168 opened by bbudescu - 4
[Docs] Add source of LogEI formula
#1164 opened by benjamc - 7
[Question] Algorithm configuration for a small config space - too few evaluations
#1160 opened by graidl - 3
Replace hard coded indices in RunHistory
#1174 opened by thijssnelleman - 2
Replace random forest
#1116 opened by benjamc - 0
Add output trafos vizier
#1143 opened by benjamc - 7
SMAC time budget walltime vs CPU time
#1159 opened by thijssnelleman - 1
Migrate to mkdocs
#1151 opened by benjamc - 2
How to save the Surrogate Model
#1115 opened by fang-tech - 3
Forbidden relations of conditioned hyperparameters
#1161 opened by bbudescu - 1
[Documentation] AlgorithmConfigurationFacade uses Intensifier not Hyperband
#1165 opened by timruhkopf - 4
[Docs] intensifier type mismatch between docs and code of AlgorithmConfigurationFacade
#1162 opened by bbudescu - 0
- 4
[Question] Anaconda Dependency
#1163 opened by bbudescu - 1
- 1
SMAC version attribute
#1157 opened by thijssnelleman - 1
Documentation version
#1158 opened by thijssnelleman - 1
Improve batch sampling
#1152 opened by benjamc - 1
Organize Examples by Interfaces
#1137 opened by helegraf - 0
Example: Optimization on a fixed grid of hyperparameters
#1136 opened by helegraf - 0
Example: target function with additional arguments
#1134 opened by helegraf - 0
- 1
Example: Different initial design
#1135 opened by helegraf - 2
[Question] Why is min_trials = 1 by default?
#1147 opened by becktepe - 10
- 0
[DOC] Improve usage/guide of ask/tell (for Hyberband)
#1149 opened by benjamc - 8
[Question] Parallel evaluations with Ask-Tell
#1131 opened by TheEimer - 0
Update to new ConfigSpace
#1139 opened by benjamc - 2
- 2
facade refuse to tuning laters instances when tuning them one-by-one in a loop
#1145 opened by sam-my-2023 - 3
Support NumPy > 2.0.0
#1144 opened by Turakar - 1
- 4
Add an example for Algorithm Configuration facade
#1127 opened by olegzaikin - 0
#1119 opened by benjamc - 0
- 0
Improve documentation for continue
#1132 opened by helegraf - 0
Make sure all examples are rendered in doc
#1126 opened by benjamc - 0
Add glossary for terms
#1125 opened by benjamc - 1
Estimate whether HP needs log transform
#1117 opened by benjamc - 0
Investigate behavior of intensifier
#1118 opened by benjamc - 5
Configure Github Sponsorship options
#1112 opened by bpkroth - 0
More user friendly budget specification options
#1111 opened by TheEimer