Codebase for adaptive interactive mixed-integer model predictive control (aiMPC): an optimal control-based interactive motion planning algorithm for autonomous vehicles.
- Real-time Software-and-Human-in-the-loop simulation in CARLA.
Mandatory lane change scenario: a stopped truck on the right lane necessitates a lane change for the autonomous vehicle which needs to negotiate with a human-driven vehicle on the left lane.
- Blue vehicle is the ego vehicle and red vehicle is the human-driven neighboring vehicle (NV).
- aiMPC estimates NV's cost online and adapts the MPC.
- αp and αa are the estimated NV cost weights.
- CARLA simulator
- Gurobi
- ROS Noetic
- MATLAB (data analysis)
- Cite as
title={Automated Lane Change via Adaptive Interactive MPC: Human-in-the-Loop Experiments},
author={Bhattacharyya, Viranjan and Vahidi, Ardalan},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology},