
ahronov bohm cybersecurity project arduino toroid coil as countermeasure to Red Team attack on neural hardware or wetware

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By Michael. J. McCarron, 2021 (independent cybersecurity consultant, macciarain@protonmail.com)
[this is an outdated edition of my research, please consult Ch.9 of my work 'Battlespace of Mind' which can be downloaded at https://drive.google.com/file/d/142VRVDXCo5R4R3C4MQXszDbXOZo4y2Vm/view?usp=sharing

Abstract: The following is a review of studies related to Ahronov-Bohm (A-B) Generators known in the Soviet Union as Akimov Generators. I argue that Soviet military-industrial technology is the cause of Havana Syndrome. I take the results of Verma et al (2019) fMRI measurements of white and grey brain matter and compare them to the findings of Kernbach and Persinger et al studies on A-B Generators and their effects on the human brain using sLORETA, and QEEG measurements, with particular attention to Rouleau (2015b) measurement of non-local Harribance configuration impact on grey matter. I argue the brain areas affected by A-B based weapons correlate between the two approaches to show a quantifiable evidence of extrinsic attack on the biology of targets, that specific brain areas are involved and can be used to profile such an A-B exploit. Read Paper

About This Project

Cyber Security Threat and Countermeasure Synopsis:

This work is derived from research on my Cybersecurity book: 'Battlespace of Mind: AI and Cybernetics in Information Warfare' https://github.com/autonomous019/Battlespace-of-Mind

This project is aimed at Blue Team cybersecurity regarding the noosphere, the mind, or nouscurity, it can be applied to hardware such as embedded medical devices and wetware, such as the brain itself. It is based on the scientific neurocognitive research originating in the Soviet Military and then continued in public research in the West such as Dr. Serge Kernbach at University of Stuttgart and Dr. Michael Persinger of Laurentian University. This research is also within the US Military Defense industry and hence is usually classified. This countermeasure is inspired by Persinger (2002) where discussion of countering remote viewing is reviewed.

It is based on the utilization of the Ahronov-Bohm effect, creating a potential energy shield to guard against cyberbased attacks on hardware and software. It protects the user from invasive electro-magnetic frequencies, effectively scrambling them before reaching the target vector, for instance the Microtubules of the Neurons in the Brain.

The code file is a Arduino Sketch file designed for use with the Ahronov-Bohm coil a piece of the Ahronov-Bohm generator created by Dr. Hal Puthoff. I prefer the accelerate_frequency_driver.ino it sets 4 random frequencies (salts) before a repeating pattern of accelerating EM wave forms. The salt is intended to create an unguessable pattern to the frequencies otherwise anyone with a coil with the same patterns could be used as an attack vector.

Threat Analysis:

Since the end of World War I, the study of EM and Gravitational Waves for the purpose of information warfare (McCarron, 2021) has been pursued by global strategic players such as the Nazi Regime in Germany, the USSR, and NATO alliance, while also persued by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), while keeping in mind the only country not to ratify treaties banning biological weapons with the technical resources to do it, is Israel (ACA, 2018), which also has a history of conducting espionage against allies like the United States and has recruited many ex-Soviet engineers and is a society based in ethno-religious supremacy (HRW, 2021). State actors are not the only ones that could have this capability as it is available on the black market, as well as any small technically outfitted terrorist group could also accomplish this technology. Indeed, the roots of political deception are found in the intoxication tactics of the 4th Reich inspired Black International. A full review of information warfare using signals and cybernetics is covered in McCarron 2021.

The threat of using EM and Gravitoelectromagnetic weapons, of which Ahronov-Bohm (A-B) effect is a party to, was encountered primarily in the 1980s in the USSR. Soviet military-industrial research focused on 'remote biological effects' or remote (non-local, entanglement) influencing using A-B generators designed initially by Akhimov (Kernbach, 2017) around 1986 at least. Later his research associate A V Bobrov experimented with using LEDs with modulated pulsed rhythms for the same purpose. Previous to this Soviet research also focused on using gravitational waves for the purposes of non-local influence, possibly also involving the proposed Gravitational Ahronov-Bohm effect. After the fall of the Soviet Union Soviet researchers were brought to the west to be debriefed, for instance Okhtarin was interviewed by the CIA regarding his research into remote influencing using the Ahronov-Bohm effect (McCarron, 2021). In western parlance remote influencing is known as 'remote action'. When the Russians came west they were employed by Lockheed-Martin to collaborate with their engineers, such as Dr. John Norseen who invented 'Bio-Fusion' and 'Thought-Injection' technology based on previous Soviet inventions. It is also worth noting that this technology is available on the black market according to Dr. Kernbach. Incidents in the Soviet Union targeting the US Embassy using this technology are well documented (McCarron, 2021). And recently the Havana US Embassy incident implicated the use of remote influencing technology as the source of the medical problems encountered by embassy staff (Verma et al, 2019) . Additionally, former US military personnel are complaining of receiving the same remote influencing effects as that as the Embassy staff.

The scientific literature on the weaponization for the purposes of cyber attack are well established, although primarily only in Russian academic journals and languages. While Krishnan (2017) did not find evidence for their reality the Havana incident scientifically has documented the effect, and it's use as a weapon. Western academics have provided research and experimental data establishing it's validity. The Persinger Group of Laurentian University, a pariochial school in Sudbury, Ontario has conducted numerous experiments showing that remote influencing is well founded in scientific theory. Their work is also confirmed by the finding of Dr. Serge Kernbach at the University of Stuttgart, who is a Russian professor of cybernetics, the association of remote biological influence and cybernetics in Russia is a intertwined reaility.

Therefore, based on western academic research (Persinger et al; Kernbach et al), countermeasures are needed to counter such a threat. No weapon is ever developed that the engineers do not also have their own countermeasures for. The research into the A-B tech used by the Soviets by Hal Puthoff, formerly of Stanford Research Institute, reversed engineered the Akimov Generators. The work of Persinger et al, expanded on this reverse engineering, ultimately showing that the coils from the Puthoff Generator were all that was necessary for experiments documenting their ability to use angular momentum for entanglement as well as create a masking field to counter remote influencing (Koren and Persinger 2002). This particular countermeasure is valid for the interference with remote waves, that is non-local field waves from a remote source, not in the local field where optical or sonic devices could be used as an attack vector (red team) on the visual cortex through the cavity resonators in the retinas. The production of the coils is given below. Persinger et al and Kernbach et al have provided detailed information on how to construct A-B generators, the coils used in this experiment are from Lehman et al (2015). See 'Are Changing Angular Velocity Magnetic Fields a Countermeasure to Havana Syndrome and other Pulsed Modulated Frequency Cyberattacks? for a deeper explanation to the A-B effect, Angular Momentum and Deep Correlations.

Coil Construction and Arduino Board Setup

Parts list:

  • Arduino Uno Board, plus necessary connectors (purchase a starter kit online)
  • a 10" Embroider Hoop (remove all metal)
  • Electric Tape
  • Laptop
  • Single strand 16 gauge speaker wire (low impedance we a re dealing with nano Te
  • sla here)
  • Arduino Breadboard
  • 1K Ohm Resistor
  • TIP120< to 220 Voltage Regulator
  • Diode
  • Blue LED (470nm Wavelength)

  • Make:

    Step 1: Make a Coil, see NRG Deep Correlation Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygCqykp6tC4&t=5s

    Step 2: Wire up the Arduino and Breadboard place the breadboard in front of you make sure it is oriented correctly (see video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRq9ksZmrQc&t=3s )

    1. connect LED to pin a21 and a22
    2. on the Arduino Uno out pin 9 to pin b21 infront right leg of LED on bread board. Connect gound pin 9 to Breadboard - negative base.
    3. Take 1K Ohm Resistor and connect to pin b22 in front of LED short leg, connect resistor out to pin f20 in front of 120 TIP V regulator.
    4. Voltage regulator, facing properly the plastic should be facing you with the metal end farthest away from you, metal hole mount to rear, place in pin g20,g19,g18
    5. Ground the regulator, grab a jumper cable short or med red one or other color as you wish. one end connect to negative rail the other end connect to right pin of voltage regulator place in j18
    6. Coil In, pin h19 in front of center of V regulator
    7. Diode, (grey strip is out) grey end into + positive pin 20 of breadboard base. In goes to pin j19 behind out to coil. (see video)
    8. Coil out, to + positive on board base rail pin 21, should be next to diode, to the left of the diode one pin location.

    Step 3: open accelerate_frequency.ino in Arduino IDE then upload to Arduino Board.

    Step 4: Place coil around object to shield from remote waves.

    NRG Excess Correlation Coil and Arduino Board Instructions:

    A. circuit board construction: https://www.youtube.com/@nrgexcesscorrelation4427

    B. building the coil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygCqykp6tC4

    C. connect the coil to the board: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzo3_rMk7X8

    Also See Entanglement Medicine

    Works Cited:

    Arms Control Association (2018) Arms Control and Proliferation Profile: Israel https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/israelprofile

    Dotta, B.T. and Persinger, M.A. (2012) “Doubling” of Local Photon Emissions When Two Simultaneous, Spatially- Separated, Chemiluminescent Reactions Share the Same Magnetic Field Configurations. Journal of Biophysical Chemistry, 3, 72. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jbpc.2012.31009

    Dotta, B.T., Murugan, N.J., Karbowski, L.M. and Persinger, M.A. (2013) Excessive Correlated Shifts in pH within Distal Solutions Sharing Phase-Uncoupled Angular Accelerating Magnetic Fields: Macro-Entanglement and Information Transfer. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 8, 1783-1787.

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