This task is written in python3 using django version 1.8.7 The task documentation requested the use of VirtualEnv and for it to be run using pip install, which can be done via: $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt However, it also uses npm. These have been pre-installed into the node_modules folder, but both of the above tasks should be doable by running the followng command: $ ./ install To load up test fixtures, run the required migrations, etc and fire up runserver in one line, please use: $ ./ dev (The bundled DB has all this done already though, so if you like you can just run runserver) N.B. The file only assumes that you have python3 already installed and are using an apt based system, such as Ubuntu. The website will now be available at : The DRF REST API browser is available at: The admin page is available at: If using the included db.sqlite3 database, the defualt DB credentials are admin/password123 (If you've deleted that and are starting from scratch, you will have to run python3 createsuperuser) ## Caveats * I initially wrote this without noticing the part about needing to use pip install. I'm used to running things in a system container (i.e. LXC/LXD) and it was beaten into me at Canonical that apt >>> pip and to never use pip if it can be avoided. I think it should be okay, but if it doesn't run with pip install, it will work with ./ install * I have not implemented any permissions at all on the API which is normally a hanging offense (but you didn't ask for them, so I tried to keep it simple) * There aren't really any tests * It ain't exactly pretty on the front page there, but it'll do...