
Towards Unsupervised Learning of Generative Models for 3D Controllable Image Synthesis, CVPR 2020

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Towards Unsupervised Learning of Generative Models for 3D Controllable Image Synthesis

This repository contains the code for the paper Towards Unsupervised Learning of Generative Models for 3D Controllable Image Synthesis.

To cite this work, please use

  title = {Towards Unsupervised Learning of Generative Models for 3D Controllable Image Synthesis},
  author = {Liao, Yiyi and Schwarz, Katja and Mescheder, Lars and Geiger, Andreas},
  booktitle = { Proceedings IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year = {2020}


Our method requires an accessible CUDA device and is tested for Python 3.7.x .

Create and activate a conda environment with all requirements from the provided environment.yml file

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate controllable_gan

Build our customized version of Neural Mesh Renderer by running

cd externals/renderer/neural_renderer
python setup.py install


Here you can download the datasets used in our paper:


First download your data and put it into the ./data folder.

To train a new model, first create a config script similar to the ones provided in the ./configs folder. You can then train you model using

python train.py PATH_TO_CONFIG

To compute FID scores for your model use

python test.py PATH_TO_CONFIG

Finally, you can create nice samples with object rotation, translation and camera rotation using

python test_transforms.py PATH_TO_CONFIG


  • Object rotation
    Cars Rotation
  • Object translation
  • Camera rotation (azimuth)
  • Camera rotation (polar)