PowerShell module to extract data from a PDF file. For now only supports extracting text with lay-out from the PDF file. Uses the FreeSpire.PDF assembly which is free for personal and commercial use. Future features will be:
- Extract text without lay-out
- Extract images
You can install the module from the PSGallery by using the following command.
Install-Module -Name ExtractPDFData
Or if you are using PowerShell 7.4 or higher you can use
Install-PSResource -Name ExtractPDFData
To use the module first import it.
Import-Module -Name ExtractPDFData
You will receive a message about telemetry being enabled. After that you can use the command Export-PDFDataTextWithLayout
to use the module.
Check out the Get-Help for more information on how to use the function.
The module is using the Telemetryhelper module to gather telemetry. The module is made using the PSModuleDevelopment module to get a template for a module. The module is using the FreeSpire.PDF nuget package.